Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:2 "Prophetic Accommodation--Part 2"

April 28, 2024 00:33:45
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:2 "Prophetic Accommodation--Part 2"
Know Im Saved Bible Teaching - Book of Hosea
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:2 "Prophetic Accommodation--Part 2"

Apr 28 2024 | 00:33:45


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Pastor Richard Fulton teaches verse by verse through the scriptures with the primary objective of communicating the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, in a clear and simple light.

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Episode Transcript

Hosea chapter 11, and we'll be moving into verse 2 this morning, God willing. 00:00 --> 00:07 The title of the message is prophetic accommodation part 2. 00:07 --> 00:12 In verse 1 last week we learned about prophetic accommodation. 00:12 --> 00:17 In Hosea 11 chapter 1, we looked at last week, it says, "When Israel was a child, then I loved him 00:17 --> 00:28 and called my son out of Egypt." 00:28 --> 00:32 Now in the New Testament that was quoted for when Jesus was called out of Egypt after Herod died. 00:32 --> 00:40 But the verse we're reading in Hosea was not directly speaking about God calling Jesus out of Egypt, 00:40 --> 00:48 it was directly speaking about God calling Israel out of Egypt. 00:48 --> 00:53 Prophetic accommodation is when an Old Testament prophecy doesn't directly speak of a certain future event, 00:53 --> 01:03 but the principle it teaches applies to a certain future event. 01:03 --> 01:08 Makes sense? 01:08 --> 01:11 Essentially if the Old Testament shoe fits, then the New Testament shoe must wear it. 01:11 --> 01:19 And we see this type of accommodation in the New Testament such as our verse last week, 01:19 --> 01:24 again when God called his son out of Egypt, which was referring to Israel being God's son. 01:24 --> 01:32 Remember God told Pharaoh, "Israel is my firstborn son." 01:32 --> 01:35 That was on pass overnight. 01:35 --> 01:39 And so God slayed all of Egypt's firstborn, but he kept his own firstborn alive. 01:39 --> 01:49 But not only does it directly speak to Israel being God's son, but it indirectly applies to Jesus Christ. 01:49 --> 02:00 And if it indirectly applies to Jesus Christ, then it indirectly applies to his church. 02:00 --> 02:07 If God called Israel out of Egypt, Jesus being part of Israel, he had to have called Jesus out of Egypt, 02:07 --> 02:17 and us being part of Jesus, he had to have called us out of Egypt. 02:17 --> 02:23 It's prophetic accommodation. 02:23 --> 02:26 The word church means called out. 02:26 --> 02:30 It's a beautiful thing to learn, prophetic accommodation. 02:30 --> 02:35 The Bible says he's called us out of darkness into his marvelous light. 02:35 --> 02:41 In Hosea chapter 11 verse 1, underscore the word called. 02:41 --> 02:46 Called, that's from the verse last week, underscore the word called. 02:46 --> 02:51 God said, "I called my son out of Egypt." 02:51 --> 02:56 If God called Israel out, then God called Jesus out, then God called us out, 02:56 --> 03:05 and I am so glad that we've been called out of this mess. 03:05 --> 03:10 Now keeping all this in mind, move down with me to verse 2, where God says, 03:10 --> 03:17 "As they called them," underscore the word called again. 03:17 --> 03:26 Now in verse 1, God said, "I called my son out of Egypt." 03:26 --> 03:32 He told Pharaoh, "Let my people go." 03:32 --> 03:36 But in verse 2, notice that we move from "I called," I mean, we're talking about pronouns now. 03:36 --> 03:42 I tell you what, man, the LGBTQ+ community, they have given us a lesson in pronouns. 03:42 --> 03:48 Most of y'all probably didn't know what a pronoun was after you got out of English class in high school, 03:48 --> 03:53 but we all know what they are now. 03:53 --> 03:54 But I want you to notice the divine shift in pronouns now, because in verse 1, God says, 03:54 --> 04:00 "I called my son." 04:00 --> 04:03 Now in verse 2, he says, "They called." 04:03 --> 04:09 In verse 1, God is calling Israel to a national exodus from Egypt. 04:09 --> 04:18 In verse 2, God is calling Israel through the Old Testament prophets 04:18 --> 04:24 who have already been called out of Egypt, who are now in the Promised Land, 04:24 --> 04:29 but who have turned away from God to their sins. 04:29 --> 04:37 And so God, through the prophets, has been calling them to come back to Him 04:37 --> 04:44 who called her out of Egypt in the first place. 04:44 --> 04:47 Makes sense? 04:47 --> 04:48 When she was but a child as a nation, when Israel was a child, 04:48 --> 04:53 I called my son out of Egypt, in the infancy of Israel's nationality, 04:53 --> 04:59 God called them out of Egypt, and now as they have grown into their adolescence, 04:59 --> 05:05 as a nation, they are in the Promised Land, they leave God, 05:05 --> 05:09 and now God sends prophets, and those prophets are calling them out of Egypt again. 05:09 --> 05:16 They're calling them by God's Spirit to abandon their false worship and return to their God. 05:16 --> 05:24 This is some very weighty doctrine, church, if you haven't noticed yet. 05:24 --> 05:30 I want you to watch how God Himself is accommodating this verse. 05:30 --> 05:36 It's fascinating to me. 05:36 --> 05:39 Watch how God accommodates the time of Israel's infancy in verse 1 05:39 --> 05:45 to the time of Israel's apostasy in verse 2. 05:45 --> 05:48 Now, for those who aren't familiar with the terminology, 05:48 --> 05:51 apostasy means do you have a nation or a person who professes faith in God, 05:51 --> 05:58 and then they abandon that faith in God, and they have apostasized from that faith. 05:58 --> 06:06 They know the truth, then they reject the truth, and then they leave that truth. 06:06 --> 06:14 God is accommodating verse 1, which was speaking about Him calling Israel out in their infancy, 06:14 --> 06:23 and He's applying it now to verse 2. 06:23 --> 06:27 In verse 1, God called the nation of Israel, who was in Egypt, 06:27 --> 06:33 He called them out of Egypt geographically, physically. 06:33 --> 06:38 Now in verse 2, God called the nation of Israel, who was already in the Promised Land, 06:38 --> 06:43 out of Egypt spiritually. 06:43 --> 06:46 They were spiritually in Egypt. 06:46 --> 06:48 As this world comes to its end, and it's getting there, 06:48 --> 06:52 and every day we're getting closer and closer, 06:52 --> 06:54 and we are seeing more and more evidence that what the Bible says is true, 06:54 --> 07:01 and how this world cannot continue on unless God starts over and makes it new again, 07:01 --> 07:08 like He did with us, the death and resurrection with Christ. 07:08 --> 07:11 As this world comes to its end, God is going to send, right now we don't have prophets. 07:11 --> 07:16 I was explaining that in the Genesis of Jesus class this morning. 07:16 --> 07:20 God has closed the canon of Scripture with the book of the Revelation. 07:20 --> 07:25 We have all the prophecy we need right now, 07:25 --> 07:28 but there's going to come a time in the end when we'll need prophets again. 07:28 --> 07:34 So when you get to the book of the Revelation, 07:34 --> 07:36 in this extraordinary period of the world's history, 07:36 --> 07:40 God is going to send what's referred to as two witnesses, 07:40 --> 07:45 and they're going to come prophesying again. 07:45 --> 07:49 They're going to prophesy, they're going to perform miracles, 07:49 --> 07:51 just like some of the prophets did in the Old Testament. 07:51 --> 07:54 Pretty exciting stuff. 07:54 --> 07:56 And I want you to listen to what the Apostle John said would happen 07:56 --> 08:00 after these prophets finished their testimony against this wicked world. 08:00 --> 08:05 It's in Revelation chapter 11, verse 7 and 8. 08:05 --> 08:10 Revelation 11, verse 7 and 8 says, 08:10 --> 08:13 "And when they shall have finished their testimony, 08:13 --> 08:16 the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them 08:16 --> 08:21 and shall overcome them and kill them." 08:21 --> 08:24 And their dead bodies... 08:24 --> 08:27 Anyone want to sign up to be one of those two prophets, by the way? 08:27 --> 08:31 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city 08:31 --> 08:37 which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. 08:37 --> 08:44 You think, well, what city is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt? 08:44 --> 08:48 Well, he goes on to explain. 08:48 --> 08:50 He says, "We're also... Our Lord was crucified." 08:50 --> 08:52 This is Jerusalem. 08:52 --> 08:54 All right? 08:54 --> 08:55 So this is the Holy Land. 08:55 --> 08:57 And guess what God is calling Jerusalem? 08:57 --> 09:02 He says spiritually, they're Egypt. 09:02 --> 09:06 They're Sodom. 09:06 --> 09:08 And so you can see now through a prophetic accommodation in the book of Hosea, 09:08 --> 09:13 God called Israel out of Egypt physically when He called them out in their infancy. 09:13 --> 09:21 And now that they're in the Promised Land, 09:21 --> 09:23 here He is calling them back out of Egypt again 09:23 --> 09:26 because even though they were no longer physically in bondage to Egypt, 09:26 --> 09:30 they were spiritually in bondage. 09:30 --> 09:33 They were like Egypt. 09:33 --> 09:34 They were like the world that they were called out of. 09:34 --> 09:40 Jesus wasn't crucified in Sodom and Egypt. 09:40 --> 09:44 He was crucified in Jerusalem. 09:44 --> 09:47 And they were called spiritual Egypt 09:47 --> 09:51 because of the state of godliness they were in. 09:51 --> 09:55 And now in verse 1, God called Israel out of physical bondage 09:55 --> 09:59 because they were physically held captive by the Egyptians. 09:59 --> 10:02 And now in verse 2, God called Israel out of spiritual bondage by the prophets. 10:02 --> 10:07 They called them because they were spiritually held captive by their sins. 10:07 --> 10:13 Now as God called Israel out of Egypt physically, 10:13 --> 10:17 so God called Israel out of Egypt spiritually, 10:17 --> 10:21 so God called Israel out of Egypt ecclesiastically. 10:21 --> 10:27 Ecclesiastically is referring to that Greek word 10:27 --> 10:32 that the word church, ecclesia, is translated from us 10:32 --> 10:36 where we get the word church. 10:36 --> 10:37 Again, it means called out. 10:37 --> 10:39 Now watch how the New Testament takes the principle of God 10:39 --> 10:44 calling Israel out of their spiritual bondage when they were in the land of Canaan, 10:44 --> 10:53 the promised land. 10:53 --> 10:54 Watch how God calls them out. 10:54 --> 10:56 He called them out physically. 10:56 --> 10:58 He then calls them out spiritually. 10:58 --> 11:01 And now when you get to the New Testament, 11:01 --> 11:03 this text in Hosea is accommodated again. 11:03 --> 11:09 And watch how God now applies or accommodates this text 11:09 --> 11:14 to the New Testament church in 2 Corinthians chapter 6. 11:14 --> 11:18 2 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 14 through 18. 11:18 --> 11:24 In this passage, 2 Corinthians 6, 14 through 18, 11:24 --> 11:27 the apostle Paul speaking now to Gentile believers. 11:27 --> 11:31 You getting this? 11:31 --> 11:32 He's not speaking to Jews in Egypt. 11:32 --> 11:35 He's not speaking to Jews in the promised land. 11:35 --> 11:39 He is speaking to Gentiles in the church. 11:39 --> 11:43 And speaking of these Gentiles, he applies what God said to the Jews 11:43 --> 11:48 in the Old Testament to them, saying, 11:48 --> 11:51 "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, 11:51 --> 11:54 for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, 11:54 --> 11:58 and what communion hath light with darkness, 11:58 --> 12:00 and what concord hath Christ with Belial, 12:00 --> 12:03 or what part hath he that believe with an infidel, 12:03 --> 12:06 and what agreement hath the temple of God with idols, 12:06 --> 12:09 for ye are the temple of the living God. 12:09 --> 12:12 As God has said, 'I will dwell in them and walk in them, 12:12 --> 12:15 and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.' 12:15 --> 12:18 Now that was written to Jews, but it's being accommodated to Gentiles. 12:18 --> 12:22 He goes on in verse 17, "Wherefore, 12:22 --> 12:24 or because of everything I just said that God just said, 12:24 --> 12:28 'Come out from among them, and be ye separate,' 12:28 --> 12:33 saith the Lord, 'and touch not the unclean thing, 12:33 --> 12:36 and I will receive you, and will be a father unto you, 12:36 --> 12:40 and ye shall be my sons and daughters,' saith the Lord Almighty." 12:40 --> 12:43 He's quoting again where God continued to plead with Israel 12:43 --> 12:48 to get out of Egypt, whether physically or spiritually, 12:48 --> 12:52 whether in the land of Egypt or in the promised land 12:52 --> 12:56 when they are in spiritual bondage taking on the gods of the nations around them. 12:56 --> 13:02 He's now applying that to the New Testament church, 13:02 --> 13:06 and thus when God calls us out of this world, 13:06 --> 13:13 and we begin to get revival in the church, 13:13 --> 13:16 and there's been some great revivals in church history. 13:16 --> 13:20 And when the church begins to come out of the world, 13:20 --> 13:23 you know what's happening? That Old Testament prophecy is being fulfilled, 13:23 --> 13:28 just like it was when Jesus was called out of Egypt. 13:28 --> 13:31 It's accommodated. What was Paul doing? 13:31 --> 13:34 He was applying the principle of scriptural accommodation 13:34 --> 13:38 to those Corinthian people, 13:38 --> 13:40 applying ancient spiritual truths to modern spiritual times. 13:40 --> 13:45 It's a beautiful thing. Church don't ever... 13:45 --> 13:48 Why are we learning all this, Brother Richard? 13:48 --> 13:50 You have to learn how prophecy works. 13:50 --> 13:52 You have to learn how Scripture works. 13:52 --> 13:54 You have to learn how application of the Old Testament works, 13:54 --> 13:57 because you don't ever need to let someone tell you 13:57 --> 14:00 that what God says to the Jews doesn't apply to the New Testament. 14:00 --> 14:04 How many of y'all ever had someone tell you that? 14:04 --> 14:06 It's a lie. It is a lie. 14:06 --> 14:10 Don't ever let someone tell you that what God says to the Jews 14:10 --> 14:14 doesn't apply to the New Testament church, doesn't apply to Gentiles. 14:14 --> 14:18 A popular bedtime story when I was growing up 14:18 --> 14:22 was the story of Cinderella. 14:22 --> 14:26 Cinderella. 14:26 --> 14:28 Cinderella, man, she was... 14:28 --> 14:30 You're talking about oppressed. 14:30 --> 14:32 I'm all about relieving the oppressed. 14:32 --> 14:34 Y'all know that. You're talking about oppressed, 14:34 --> 14:36 socially, economically, marginalized. 14:36 --> 14:40 She was historically an underserved child. 14:40 --> 14:45 And she got to go to this ball, 14:45 --> 14:50 made a prince. She had these beautiful glass slippers. 14:50 --> 14:54 But she had to get back home for midnight 14:54 --> 14:57 because her carriage would turn into a pumpkin. 14:57 --> 15:00 Y'all remember that story. 15:00 --> 15:01 Brother Shepherd, I bet you'd probably love to have that story read to you 15:01 --> 15:05 every night, didn't you? 15:05 --> 15:09 But she gets home, but she leaves a glass slipper behind. 15:09 --> 15:15 And the prince had fallen in love with Cinderella, 15:15 --> 15:18 and he had to find her somewhere in the kingdom, 15:18 --> 15:20 didn't know where she was. 15:20 --> 15:22 She was actually a stepchild and was mistreated at home 15:22 --> 15:26 and overlooked by society. 15:26 --> 15:29 So he went on a quest to find what woman 15:29 --> 15:34 her foot would slip into that glass slipper. 15:34 --> 15:38 Then he would know the person he met at that ball that night 15:38 --> 15:42 and would be able to marry her. 15:42 --> 15:45 And so he went around. 15:45 --> 15:48 They tried to put that slipper on all these women's feet 15:48 --> 15:51 because they wanted to marry the prince, 15:51 --> 15:53 and it wouldn't fit any of them. 15:53 --> 15:55 Finally, there's old Cinderella, 15:55 --> 15:58 mopping the floor, dirty, dressed in rags. 15:58 --> 16:02 And that slipper slips right onto her foot. 16:02 --> 16:06 When Cinderella wore that slipper, 16:06 --> 16:10 originally she was an elegant woman at the ball. 16:10 --> 16:15 But the same slipper that fit the elegant woman at the ball 16:15 --> 16:20 fit the poor stepchild at home. 16:20 --> 16:23 You see? 16:23 --> 16:24 Here's the kingdom of truth for you this morning. 16:24 --> 16:27 No matter who the audience is, 16:27 --> 16:30 or no matter when the Scripture was written, 16:30 --> 16:33 if a Scripture fits our circumstances, 16:33 --> 16:37 then our circumstances must wear the Scripture. 16:37 --> 16:41 I'll say it again. 16:41 --> 16:42 No matter who the audience was or when the Scripture was written, 16:42 --> 16:46 if a Scripture fits our circumstances, 16:46 --> 16:49 then our circumstances must wear the Scripture. 16:49 --> 16:52 Prophetic accommodation. 16:52 --> 16:54 Hosea said, "As the prophets called Israel," 16:54 --> 16:58 look back in your text, 16:58 --> 16:59 "so they went from them." 16:59 --> 17:03 Notice the words "as" and "so." 17:03 --> 17:06 "As the prophets called, so the people went." 17:06 --> 17:10 From the prophets who called them. 17:10 --> 17:13 From the God who sent the prophets. 17:13 --> 17:15 How did the prophets call the people? 17:15 --> 17:17 Well, they called them passionately. 17:17 --> 17:19 God loved Israel. 17:19 --> 17:20 He spoke to Israel through these prophets. 17:20 --> 17:22 He was pleading with them 17:22 --> 17:24 and warning them to come back to him, 17:24 --> 17:27 to repent of their sins, 17:27 --> 17:28 and come back to the God who called them out of Egypt. 17:28 --> 17:32 The prophets called purposefully. 17:32 --> 17:35 They were sent by God for the purpose of drawing them back to him 17:35 --> 17:39 and fulfilling his Old Testament covenants to them. 17:39 --> 17:43 They called them personally to the God 17:43 --> 17:48 who had redeemed them from Egypt as the seat of Abraham. 17:48 --> 17:54 But as the prophets called them, 17:54 --> 17:57 so they went from them. 17:57 --> 18:00 The people went passionately from them. 18:00 --> 18:03 As God was passionate for Israel to return to him, 18:03 --> 18:06 so they were passionate to go away. 18:06 --> 18:09 Just as passionate about it. 18:09 --> 18:12 Hard-headed. 18:12 --> 18:14 The people went purposefully from them 18:14 --> 18:17 with full knowledge of their departure from him to go to other gods. 18:17 --> 18:22 The people went personally from those prophets, 18:22 --> 18:25 rejecting them outright because they rejected God outright. 18:25 --> 18:32 As they called, so they went. 18:32 --> 18:35 Another way of saying it is this. 18:35 --> 18:37 The more God called those people, 18:37 --> 18:39 the more they went away from them. 18:39 --> 18:41 The more he reached out to them, the further they went away. 18:41 --> 18:45 Here's the Kingdom truth this morning. 18:45 --> 18:47 The more people reject God's Word, 18:47 --> 18:50 the more distance they put themselves from that word. 18:50 --> 18:55 The more people reject God's Word, 18:55 --> 18:57 the more they distance themselves from it. 18:57 --> 18:59 That would be a good way of putting it. 18:59 --> 19:02 The Jews hated to hear the Apostle Paul speak the gospel. 19:02 --> 19:06 Hated it. 19:06 --> 19:08 In Acts chapter 21 verse 36, 19:08 --> 19:11 it records their words. 19:11 --> 19:15 It says, "For the multitude the people followed after, 19:15 --> 19:18 crying away with him." 19:18 --> 19:20 Man, get this guy away from us. 19:20 --> 19:22 Put him away from the face of the earth. 19:22 --> 19:24 Kill him. Separate him from everyone that's living. 19:24 --> 19:27 Man, we don't want to hear this man anymore. 19:27 --> 19:29 There's sometimes when the Apostles would preach, 19:29 --> 19:32 they would cover their ears up. 19:32 --> 19:35 I hate hearing it. 19:35 --> 19:38 Don't want to hear it. 19:38 --> 19:41 If you have a family member this morning who hates God's Word, 19:41 --> 19:46 then you'll notice that they will put distance between you and themselves 19:46 --> 19:51 if you are testifying God's Word to them. 19:51 --> 19:54 If you represent the standards of God, 19:54 --> 19:57 they want to flee from that. 19:57 --> 20:00 Away with him. Get away. 20:00 --> 20:02 And they want that distance between you and themselves 20:02 --> 20:08 because you represent the Lord. 20:08 --> 20:12 As the prophets called them, 20:12 --> 20:15 so they went from them. 20:15 --> 20:17 Man, you watch people today, they hate Christians. 20:17 --> 20:22 They hate the church. 20:22 --> 20:25 If it's anything to do with God's program for the church or for Israel, 20:25 --> 20:31 they hate it. 20:31 --> 20:33 They want to destroy it and they want distance. 20:33 --> 20:37 You don't ever see at these protests going on right now at the colleges, 20:37 --> 20:44 see the police having to go out and arrest all the Jewish people 20:44 --> 20:48 for trying to take up for Israel. 20:48 --> 20:51 That's not the problem. 20:51 --> 20:53 They're having to deal with the anti-Israeli people. 20:53 --> 20:57 They have to deal with the pro-Hamas people 20:57 --> 21:00 and because they're the ones causing the trouble. 21:00 --> 21:03 It's filled with absolute hate. 21:03 --> 21:06 Even though they accuse us of being the ones who hate, 21:06 --> 21:08 they hate. 21:08 --> 21:10 Away with him. Away with him. 21:10 --> 21:12 What do they do with Jesus? 21:12 --> 21:14 When Jesus came to the kingdom of God, what did they do? 21:14 --> 21:17 Away with him. Away with him. 21:17 --> 21:19 Crucify him. 21:19 --> 21:21 Man, give us Barabbas. We can tolerate him. 21:21 --> 21:25 Isn't it sad when Barabbas is more like you are than God? 21:25 --> 21:31 You're more comfortable around Barabbas? 21:31 --> 21:34 That's the way it was. 21:34 --> 21:36 As they called, so they went. 21:36 --> 21:39 What else do they do? 21:39 --> 21:41 Look back in your text. 21:41 --> 21:43 They sacrificed unto Balaam. 21:43 --> 21:46 Now Balaam means the false gods of the people around them, 21:46 --> 21:49 particularly the Phoenician people. 21:49 --> 21:53 But I want you to notice now, get your pens out. 21:53 --> 21:57 I want you to notice the three things that Israel did in this verse. 21:57 --> 22:03 They went. 22:03 --> 22:06 They sacrificed. 22:06 --> 22:08 They burned. 22:08 --> 22:11 They went. 22:11 --> 22:14 They sacrificed. 22:14 --> 22:16 They burned. 22:16 --> 22:18 They went from the prophets. 22:18 --> 22:21 They sacrificed unto Balaam. 22:21 --> 22:24 Look back in your text. 22:24 --> 22:26 And burned incense to graven images. 22:26 --> 22:30 They went. 22:30 --> 22:33 They sacrificed. 22:33 --> 22:35 And they burned. 22:35 --> 22:37 Now the sacrifices and the incense, the burning of the incense, 22:37 --> 22:40 those were things that were instituted by God to point men to Christ. 22:40 --> 22:46 God performed the first sacrifice in the garden. 22:46 --> 22:49 He clothed the Adam and Eve with the animal skins. 22:49 --> 22:57 Abel made the next sacrifice, at least recorded in the Scripture. 22:57 --> 23:03 The sacrifices and the incense were given by God to point people to Jesus Christ. 23:03 --> 23:10 God gave Israel precise instructions regarding the sacrifices that they were supposed to make to Him. 23:10 --> 23:18 God gave Israel precise instructions regarding the incense that they were supposed to burn to Him. 23:18 --> 23:27 When Israel went, they went from the Lord. 23:27 --> 23:34 So they walked away from God, but they took the sacrifices and incense with them. 23:34 --> 23:41 That's what we need to understand here. 23:41 --> 23:43 They went. 23:43 --> 23:45 You would think that you would leave the whole package, right? 23:45 --> 23:48 You think, "Okay, I have a God here. I've got a temple here. I've got a priesthood. 23:48 --> 23:52 I've got sacrifices, all kinds of sacrifices. 23:52 --> 23:54 I have an altar of incense on the golden altar with a special formula that has to be made to be able to burn to God." 23:54 --> 24:00 And you would think that when they left God, they would leave all that behind. 24:00 --> 24:07 But when people depart from God, when they apostatize, they go, but they still sacrifice and burn. 24:07 --> 24:15 You see the principle we're learning here in Scripture? 24:15 --> 24:17 They went, but they took the sacrifices and incense with them. 24:17 --> 24:23 They departed from God's faith, but they retained God's rituals. 24:23 --> 24:31 Have you ever noticed how the people who deny the truth that we preach still want to mimic the way we preach it? 24:31 --> 24:38 You ever notice that? They do. 24:38 --> 24:40 False preachers get up. They mimic the way we preach it. 24:40 --> 24:45 Completely heretical Bible-denying, Scripture-denying people still want to get up and have a church. 24:45 --> 25:01 We have atheist chaplains right now in our colleges. 25:01 --> 25:08 They leave God, but they take the sacrifices and the incense with them. 25:08 --> 25:19 Many groups who reject the church's message still want to be recognized as a church. 25:19 --> 25:25 It's bizarre when you think about it. 25:25 --> 25:29 I mean, we've got a homosexual church here on the lake. 25:29 --> 25:34 They want to be a call to church. Everything we stand for is against them. 25:34 --> 25:40 Oh, we would love them to repent and to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, 25:40 --> 25:44 but God's Word that we preach that the church of Jesus Christ has been given, 25:44 --> 25:51 God did not give His Word to any other institution other than the church. 25:51 --> 25:57 The Bible is unique to the people of God. 25:57 --> 26:01 But then you have people who deny the Scriptures what they teach, 26:01 --> 26:06 yet they still want to be recognized as a pastor. 26:06 --> 26:10 They still want to be called a church. 26:10 --> 26:14 Their homosexual leaders want to be recognized as pastors. 26:14 --> 26:18 Where are these garments that look like traditional denominations? 26:18 --> 26:27 They deny the very fundamentals of marriage, 26:27 --> 26:32 but they still want to be recognized as being married. 26:32 --> 26:37 If you're going to walk away from God who started marriage in the book of Genesis, 26:37 --> 26:41 why not walk away from marriage altogether? 26:41 --> 26:45 But they don't. 26:45 --> 26:47 They deny the principles of a husband and a wife, 26:47 --> 26:50 but they still want to be called husbands and wives. 26:50 --> 26:55 Cain did this very thing. 26:55 --> 26:57 Cain denied the faith, but he kept the altar and the offerings. 26:57 --> 27:02 It's bizarre, but that's what they do. 27:02 --> 27:05 Here's the kingdom truth. 27:05 --> 27:07 People who leave the faith still sacrifice and burn. 27:07 --> 27:12 Why do we need to know that? 27:17 --> 27:20 Don't look at someone just because they're sacrificing and burning 27:20 --> 27:24 doesn't mean they're believing. 27:24 --> 27:27 Just because they have the rituals of God does not mean that they are redeemed 27:27 --> 27:32 by the redemption of God. 27:32 --> 27:35 And a lot of times churches get that truth confused. 27:35 --> 27:39 They see another place called a church. 27:39 --> 27:41 They'll call them brothers and sisters. 27:41 --> 27:44 Because of the chosen series, which I'm firmly against, by the way, 27:44 --> 27:52 but because of the chosen series, 27:52 --> 27:55 a lot of people now have grown more accustomed to Embraerism. 27:55 --> 28:01 And there's a lot of people right now who used to. 28:01 --> 28:05 Mormons was recognized as a cult. 28:05 --> 28:08 And now you have people considering them Christians 28:08 --> 28:13 that just believe different than we do. 28:13 --> 28:16 And it's not true. 28:16 --> 28:18 They're a cult. They're an absolute cult. 28:18 --> 28:23 And when you watch things on television that ad lib Scripture, 28:23 --> 28:31 after a while the ad libbing seems to be real to you 28:31 --> 28:35 and you won't be able to discern the difference 28:35 --> 28:37 between what really happened and what the Scripture says. 28:37 --> 28:41 And you'll get a false idea of Christ's attitude, 28:41 --> 28:47 their demeanor and everything else. 28:47 --> 28:49 I have not watched the series. 28:49 --> 28:51 I've only watched clips of it. 28:51 --> 28:53 And the things that I've watched, they're not biblical. 28:53 --> 28:59 And I don't want anything stuck in my head 28:59 --> 29:02 that's going to compromise my discernment of what biblical reality is. 29:02 --> 29:07 Makes sense? 29:07 --> 29:13 Rituals give people the appearance of being legitimate and sincere. 29:13 --> 29:18 Cain, I really believe that some people read the story of Cain and Abel 29:18 --> 29:23 and they actually feel sorry for Cain. 29:23 --> 29:26 I think, "Man, here's Cain who's doing his best." 29:26 --> 29:30 And they wrestle with why did God accept Abel but didn't accept Cain? 29:30 --> 29:33 Here he is. He's got altar just like his brother. 29:33 --> 29:36 He's got an offering on there like his brother. 29:36 --> 29:38 He still comes with the same God. 29:38 --> 29:41 And God rejects him. 29:41 --> 29:44 The rituals give people the appearance of being legitimate and sincere. 29:44 --> 29:48 But apart from the gospel, nothing is legitimate. 29:48 --> 29:52 Nothing. 29:52 --> 29:54 When you remove the rituals from the Redeemer, 29:54 --> 29:57 you're left with a vain, senseless religion that has no end in sight. 29:57 --> 30:02 The sacrifices and incense pointed people to Jesus Christ 30:02 --> 30:07 and then they were all fulfilled by Jesus Christ. 30:07 --> 30:10 They came to an end. 30:10 --> 30:13 They're the end of the law. 30:13 --> 30:15 Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to all who believe. 30:15 --> 30:20 But the sacrifice is an incense to false God. 30:20 --> 30:23 They could never be fulfilled because there's no Christ that fulfills them. 30:23 --> 30:27 It's not about the message of redemption they point to. 30:27 --> 30:31 It's about the act of sacrifice itself. 30:31 --> 30:38 And so people were those religions that kept the sacrifices in the incense 30:38 --> 30:43 that they offered. 30:43 --> 30:45 There was no end in sight for them. 30:45 --> 30:47 The sacrifices had to continue. 30:47 --> 30:49 That's why when Jesus came, even though they had a temple, 30:49 --> 30:53 Jesus said, "Your house is left unto you desolate." 30:53 --> 30:57 They had the priests. 30:57 --> 30:59 They had the rituals. 30:59 --> 31:01 They had the sacrifices. 31:01 --> 31:02 They had the incense. 31:02 --> 31:03 They had everything in that temple but God. 31:03 --> 31:06 They had everything in the temple but the faith of a savior 31:06 --> 31:10 who would come redeem them from their sins. 31:10 --> 31:13 They want to be redeemed from the Romans. 31:13 --> 31:16 They did not want to be redeemed from their sins. 31:16 --> 31:19 They didn't get it. 31:19 --> 31:20 All you had was sacrifices and incense. 31:20 --> 31:28 But the sacrifices unto the Lord, praise God, they end with His Son, 31:28 --> 31:33 in whom alone God is pleased with us. 31:33 --> 31:36 And we find rest unto our souls. 31:36 --> 31:39 I hope this morning that God's Word has given us the understanding 31:39 --> 31:45 of prophetic accommodation, how the Old Testament is applied to the new, 31:45 --> 31:51 and how that departing from God does not mean that you take the rituals of God away. 31:51 --> 32:01 You have to discern one from the other. 32:01 --> 32:03 Those people, when Jesus came, they had the rituals 32:03 --> 32:08 but they didn't have the Redeemer. 32:08 --> 32:10 They crucified the Redeemer. 32:10 --> 32:12 And because of that, God said spiritually, "They're Egypt. 32:12 --> 32:16 They're still in bondage." 32:16 --> 32:18 In any church today that does not stand on Jesus Christ and Him crucified alone, 32:18 --> 32:27 they're the same way. 32:27 --> 32:28 They're a temple with no God. 32:28 --> 32:31 Father, we thank You so much for Your precious Word. 32:31 --> 32:35 We thank You, Father, for the truth You've given us. 32:35 --> 32:40 We thank You, dear God, that You do so well at cutting the fat off the meat, 32:40 --> 32:48 at separating the wheat from the chaff and the tares from the wheat. 32:48 --> 32:56 We thank You, God, that You don't just accept anything that glitters like religious gold, 32:56 --> 33:04 that claims to be a church, that claims to be Christian, that claims to be from You, 33:04 --> 33:09 that claims to be teaching Your Word. 33:09 --> 33:12 You trim off the sacrifice. 33:12 --> 33:17 You trim away the incense until everything that's left, 33:17 --> 33:25 the only thing that's left is Jesus to whom it all points to. 33:25 --> 33:31 Thank You for that, Lord. 33:31 --> 33:33 And thank You for giving us Your precious Old Testament, 33:33 --> 33:37 which certainly fits our feet today. 33:37 --> 33:40 May we wear it in faith and full obedience, in Jesus' name. Amen. 33:40 --> 33:44

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