Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 14:8-9 "A Green Tree for a Dry Land"

December 01, 2024 00:42:16
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 14:8-9 "A Green Tree for a Dry Land"
Know Im Saved Bible Teaching - Book of Hosea
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 14:8-9 "A Green Tree for a Dry Land"

Dec 01 2024 | 00:42:16


Show Notes

Pastor Richard Fulton teaches verse by verse through the scriptures with the primary objective of communicating the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, in a clear and simple light.

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If you take your Bibles, return to the book of Hosea, chapter 14. Hosea, chapter 14, God willing, will be expounding verses 8 through 9. We've got one or other announcement to give, and that is the Lakeside Church with Pastor Doug Sexton. They're going to be giving away some blankets from our church. They're going to have little tags on them with the website with the church name on there. If not, to minister to them, to minister to their family whenever they come and they see those throw blankets. But we've got, what, 80, 90 blankets. So, we're going to cover a bunch of folks there. God's been good to open up that door for us in that nursing home to give them a full-time pastor there. And, anyway, if you'd like to donate toward those blankets, then see me after church. And we've already received a couple of donations already. And we'll put that toward them. Hosea, chapter 14, verses 8 and 9. The title of the message this morning is "A Green Tree for a Dry Land." "A Green Tree for a Dry Land." All of our messages here are verse by verse exposition. We begin at the chapter 1, verse 1 of a book. We go all the way to the end explaining every single verse. We leave nothing behind. And this is the final message here in the book of Hosea. What an incredible message. What an incredible journey every book has been for me in this church. And Hosea has not disappointed either. I always say I hadn't found a bad one yet. So, I do not know yet. Someone told me yesterday, I'm excited to see what book we're going to be in next. I said, "Well, I am too." I haven't yet. I've been praying about it. And sometime between now and Sunday I'm going to have to figure out where the Lord wants me to go. Please no suggestions. Sometimes people suggest things and especially books I've already taught on. And I don't want to teach them again for the people who've been here a long time. I want to make sure they have something new. I may teach on Revelation again in the future. But right now I want to make sure that I seek the Lord's face in this. And I don't want to tell anyone no. Because it's hard for me to say, "Well, I can't teach on that. I've taught on it before. So, just let me seek the Lord's face and we'll... they're all good. All right. And God willing we're going to finish this book this morning. And our study and this amazing journey of Hosea has been one of national history, rebuke, instruction, and prophecy. And Israel had abandoned God for idols. And how timely it was that with what all we have endured in our nation, we got to go and read about what Israel had endured in their nation. And the judgment that was going to come upon them even greater than what they were already experiencing because of their continued sin and rejection of God. And that went hand in hand with the United States of America. So timely. But Israel abandoned God for idols and they were about to be captured by Assyria. And God gave them instruction on how to return to Him from... to those people who once had fallen away from Him. And this book has been such a blessing to us because like a timely friend it has guided us through difficult times that our nation has faced during our steep moral decline. And the judgment that we faced on account of and boy have we faced judgment this nation on account of it. And we were encouraged to know though as we were studying this book that no matter what condition we get in, whether as a person or as a nation, God will take us back if only we will return to Him again. And I believe many of us in this church have in the recent past confessed our sins to God, the sins of our nation and sought repentance for our nation and prayed for God to turn the hearts of our people back to Him again. How many of y'all as we are going through Hosea and watching our moral decline in this land, how many of y'all prayed for God to restore our nation? Look at those hands, look at those hands. And you know what? God heard our prayer and He has been merciful to us. We're getting some amens out in the parking lot. Somebody's car alarm's going off. But God's been merciful to us and giving us a time where we people have in the church risen up and said, "Lord God help us." He's heard our prayer and you know what? We need to continue to seek God's face unless we repeat what happened to Israel over and over and over again in the Bible. Continue to seek God's face so He'll be merciful to us as a nation. And I want us to get a clean riddance of the filthiness that we've allowed over the past decades into our land. Pray that God will raise up some people who will condemn the wickedness that our nation has recently embraced. And now we must continue to seek God's face and set Him first in our hearts. And after turning to God from idols the Bible says, watch this now, watch this amazing promise that God gives the nation of Israel in our text this morning. Look with me now in Hosea 14 verse 8. God says, "Ephraim shall say, 'What have I to do anymore with idols?'" Let's pray. Father we thank you for your precious Word and for everyone here this morning. Bless the hearts of those who are here, the ears of those who listen. May everyone here, Father, listen with an humble heart an open ear and be attentive to your Word. To listen to our Creator and let you instruct our hearts. In Jesus wonderful name, amen. Ephraim shall say, "What have I to do anymore with idols?" Or another way to put it Ephraim which is Israel is going to say, "I don't have anything more to do with idols. I have nothing more to do with them. I'm done with idols." Ever since God brought Israel out of Egypt, Israel has struggled with its identity as a nation. Still to this day Israel struggles with their identity as a nation morally, nationally, spiritually. Israel left Egypt trusting in God. But soon after they're trusting in a golden calf. Israel wandered across the desert praising God and murmuring against Him. What a terrible mix they were. In the promised land Israel went back and forth from good king to wicked king and from God to idolatry enjoying many blessings when they followed the Lord and suffering many judgments when they did not. And to this day Israel still refuses to accept Christ as their Savior. And they have many unbelievers among them. But remember Hosea is a book of prophecy. And Hosea said that one day Israel shall say, "I have nothing more to do with idols." Oh what a wonderful day that's going to be. In Hosea chapter 14 verses 2 and 3a when Hosea told Israel to return to God he told them, "Take with you words and turn to the Lord and say unto Him, 'Take away all iniquity and receive us graciously, so will we render the calves of our lips. Asher shall not save us, we will not ride upon horses, neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, ye are our gods.'" One day Israel is going to say, "I am done with trusting in man." One day Israel is going to say, "I am done with looking to America to supply us ammunition. And I'm done trusting in an iron dome to take care of the rockets that are being thrown in here and lobbed on us. I am through embracing western secularism. I am over my rejection of Jesus Christ as my Savior. I have nothing more to do with the idols of this world." That's going to be an exciting time church and it's getting closer every day. The book of Romans chapter 11 verses 25 and 26. The apostle Paul said, "For I would not brethren that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own conceits. That blindness in part is happened to Israel." Why blindness in part? Because there's some in Israel who believe. There's some believers among the Jews. "But blindness in part is happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in." Now we're the Gentiles. Right now there's primarily a Gentile church and there's the fullness of the Gentiles that's going to come. In other words our time right now is going to come to an end. The fullness. In other words our time is going to be filled up and it will no longer be primarily a Gentile church or Gentile led church. It won't be where God is focused on reaching the lost Gentiles so to speak. But Israel itself shall be saved and become the predominant figure in the kingdom. It says in verse 26, "And so all Israel shall be saved." All Israel shall be saved. "As it is written," that it's quoted in the Old Testament, "There shall come out of Zion the deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob." That's a promise. It's just a matter of time and Israel will become a Christian nation and what a glorious day that's going to be. When Israel returns to God and says these words, we have nothing more to do with idols. God will hear him and God will save that nation. When they say, "Lord God receive us graciously," as we read before, "For by grace are you saved through faith." Being a prophetic book God now speaks in the past tense as if Israel has already confessed her sins to God and returned to Him. Israel being the name of the progenitor of the Israel race, the Jewish race and that's the man Israel who was Jacob and now his name was changed to Israel. So God's using that man to speak of the nation. And speaking of that man Israel, God says, look back in your text, "I have heard him and observed him." I have heard him and observed him. Now remember prophecy is history pre-written. It's beautiful. You're able to read history before it happens. Prophecy is history pre-written. In the heart of God, God has already heard Israel. In the heart of God, God has already seen Israel turn to Him and accept Him as her Redeemer. God says, "I have heard him and observed him." I was watching a video the other day that which there was a woman in Israel who was trying to tell other people about Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem. And boy those Jewish people, man you watch them when someone tries to tell them about Jesus over there. You can imagine what was happening in the Old Testament. I'm sorry in the New Testament when the apostles were trying to tell them about Jesus and they were getting all upset and they were wanting to crucify Jesus and arrest his apostles and everything that they did. And she was trying to tell people about Jesus on the streets of Jerusalem and those Jewish people were coming out after her and scorning her and throwing things at her and everything else. In their own Old Testament, God said He would send them a Savior to bear their sins, yet they continue to reject His Word. But one day God's going to hear their cry and He's going to observe them turning back to Him and He will deliver them from damnation. Job chapter 33 verse 27 and 28. Job 33 27 and 28. God says, it says that God looketh upon men and if any say I have sinned and perverted that which was right and it profited me not, He will deliver his soul from going into the pit and his life shall see light. What an amazing passage of Scripture. Israel went so far from God. Israel has gone so far from God. They crucified their Savior. They persecuted the apostles. They persecuted the believers. That's what got them spread all around the world was their persecution. That's how it got to us was persecution. But God says this today. He says He looks upon men. He's got His eye open upon people no matter how far they have gone from God. God has His eye out. He looks upon men and if any say if any man says I've sinned God, I've perverted that which was right and it profited me not. In other words, and it got me nowhere. It reminds me of the prodigal son. He left his father's house thinking boy he's going to get it all. The next thing you know he's feeding the hogs. He was alive but his life was meaningless. It was empty. And God says He looks upon men if any say God I've sinned. Isn't that what that prodigal son said when he came back to the father? You know what that represented? That represented man leaving his God saying I'll just take what's coming to me. I'll take what you've given me naturally but I don't want what you have for me spiritually. And man leaves God, goes off into the world on his own, experiences the pleasures of sin, the things of this world and suddenly realizes man this life is empty. This is meaningless, has no purpose. I need to go back to the father. That's where my meaning is. That's where my joy is. That's where my life is. I need to get back to God. And God says He looks upon men and if any say I've sinned. I've perverted that which was right. It profited me nothing. Man I lost by leaving God. It says He will deliver his soul from going into the pit and his life shall see light. That's the promise that God gives us and what a wonderful promise it is. God now tells Israel look back in your text God says I am if you have your Bible open and you have a pen handy underscore the words I am. I am. Boy I love it when Jesus was here and He says I am the resurrection and the life. I am the door. I am the good shepherd. When He was telling Moses who He was He just said I am. And now we see God saying I am like a green fir tree. Like a green fir tree. Now fir trees were abundant in Lebanon and they were considered a national treasure. When you read in the Psalms you see that the fir trees were were used to make instruments to praise God with. And when you read in the historical books you see that God used firs along with other things but God used firs as a primary lumber to build the temple. Fir trees were a national treasure and to have living green fir trees in that part of the world rather than the barren desert and thorns and briars and things like that that was the the blessing of God indeed. Speaking of the day when Israel returns back to God. Listen to how God describes us. Watch how the scriptures tie together. God looks on men. If any say I've sinned. He'll take them back and He says one day that's what Israel's going to do. What have I to do anymore with idols? It's all about you now God. God's going to take Israel back. God will take you back. God will take anyone back and now He's going to bring them back. Isaiah 55 verse 13. The Lord said instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree. See that? Now you see what we're learning here in the Old Testament. There is a difference here. There is a distinction here being made between a thorn coming up and a fir tree coming up. The thorn coming up. What is a thorn good for? Burning. That's it. When you read in the book of Hebrews it explains the difference. Thorns and briars. The Bible says that God sends His rain on the just and the unjust. He waters all the ground equally. Gives them all a chance to be saved. Gives them all a chance to respond to His Word. He sends that rain out on them and the ground that brings up thorns and briars shall be cursed. The one that bears fruit shall be blessed. It all depends on how you respond to God's Word. And so God says here in the end instead of thorns coming up in Israel, fir trees are going to come up. And that's a picture of their response to God's Word and God's response to them responding to Him. God's going to send blessing upon them. Constructive, fruitful blessing rather than cursing. And so he says in Isaiah, again Isaiah 55 13, "Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree and instead of the briar shall come up the myrtle tree and it shall be to the Lord for a name for an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off." Isaiah chapter 60 verse 13. Isaiah 60 verse 13. God describes the revival of Israel when He returns to Him saying, "The glory of Lebanon shall come unto thee, the fir tree, the pine tree and the box together to beautify the place of My sanctuary and I will make the place of My feet glorious." Having living green fir trees in the land instead of thorns was a sign of blessing rather than cursing. God told Israel, "I am like a green fir tree." Like a green fir tree a nation will prosper if God is planted in their land. Now when God took on humanity and God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, He came to bless the nation of Israel. He didn't come to curse them. He said, "I came not to condemn the world but the world through through Him might be saved." Right? And so He came to bless the nation of Israel by turning them from their sins and giving them salvation. In the person of Jesus Christ God came like a green fir tree to the land of Israel. He didn't come like thorns and briars. He came as a green tree and the land of Israel was filled when that tree was there it was filled with truth, the sap of truth and life and love and the grace of God like never before. People being raised from the dead, sick people being healed, lepers being cleansed, truth being spoken, light being shown. Yet the people rejected that green tree and condemned it to death. Now you're supposed to cut down and burn thorns and briars. You should build with the fir. You should take refuge under the shade of that tree. But instead they cut it down and burned it. God said, "I am like a green tree." In Luke chapter 23 while walking to the place where He was to be crucified the people were weeping for Him. The Bible says in Luke 23 28, "Jesus turning unto them said, 'Daughters of Jerusalem weep not for me but weep for yourselves and for your children. For behold the days are coming in the which they shall say, 'Blessed are the barren in the wombs that never bear and the paps which never gave suck.' Then shall they say to the mountains," this is touching on the book of Revelation by the way, "fall on us and the hill into the hills cover us." Why? "For if they do these things in a green tree what shall be done in the dry?" If they condemn a green tree what do you think is going to happen to the dry dead trees when it comes their time to be judged? Boy God's going to burn them up and burn them up good. The only way Israel can prosper as a nation is if Israel returns to God and if God returns to the land. God said, "I am like a green fir tree." And now remember in Hosea 14 5 through 6a, Hosea 14 5 through 6a, God told them, "I will be as the dew unto Israel. He shall grow as the lily and cast forth His roots as Lebanon. His branches shall spread." God said, "I'm going to be as the dew unto Israel." Remember the dew represents the doctrines of God's Word coming down. God said, "My doctrine distills like the dew." So God's Word comes down to Israel and when God's Word comes down to Israel and they receive God's Word which is like the dew, God says, "They then will grow as the lily." We learned how the lily grows. Jesus said, "The lily toils not neither does it spin. It grows by God's grace. It receives life by God's grace. For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works lest any man should boast." So they grow up as the lily and then God said, "His His roots are cast forth as Lebanon as a tree puts down its roots in Lebanon like a fir tree and His branches shall spread." Israel's branches are going to spread like a big old fir tree and give shade. The only way their branches can spread like a fir in Lebanon is by the fir of Lebanon. You see, they have no ability to fill the land. I mean they couldn't even get themselves out of Egypt. They couldn't even get themselves across the desert. They couldn't get themselves into the promised land. They couldn't cast out their enemies. They couldn't do anything apart from the grace of God. They had no ability to fill the land, no ability to spread their branches, but God will do it through them. For God said, look now in your text, "From Me is Thy fruit found." From Me, if you want your life to be fruitful, then God is going to have to bear that fruit through you. If you want your land to be blessed, then God is going to have to be that blessing. God says, "From Me is your fruit found." The Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 5, Jesus said, "I am the vine." There's another one right there. He said, "I am a green fir tree. I am the door. I am the shepherd. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am the resurrection. I am the vine." Here are the branches. Man, I love growing things at my house. I've never seen a branch yet. It gets out there and says, "Let me see if I can bear this fruit." They don't do that. Jesus said, "I am the vine, you're the branches. He that abideth in Me and I in Him. The same bringeth forth much fruit, for without Me ye can do nothing." Nothing. Israel will never be the nation God created it to be until God is in that nation. You will never be the man or the woman that God created you to be until God is in you. And you return back to God by His grace. And then He will bear that fruit in you. He will give you, fill your heart with life and purpose and joy. God is pouring it out here in the latter part of Hosea. God, through the majority of the book of Hosea, God has been rebuking them and warning them and warning them and warning them over and over and over again. And now finally God says, "Here's the good part. There'll be a lot of people in the generations before that aren't going to make it. They'll reject My word but in the end, in the very end, the nation of Israel will be saved. They're going to wash their hands of idols and I'm going to wash them clean from sin." And He's telling them, "Israel, here's how it's going to be done. You're going to have to wash your hands from the idols. You're going to have to turn back to Me. You have to say, 'God, I'm through with this. I need, I need you in my life. We need you in our nation.'" And then God says, "I'll restore you. I'll come put that shade over you. I'll plant My roots in your land as a nation. I'll plant My roots in your heart as your God." And now in closing in verse 9, Hosea asks us this question, "Who is wise? And who shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them?" He ends with a question here, "For the ways of the Lord are right and the just shall walk in them." You see what this question is? Who is wise? "And he shall understand these things prudent and he shall know them." The wise and the prudent people will understand and they'll acknowledge what's written in the book of Hosea. That's what, that's what this book is saying. If you're wise, Hosea is saying, if you're prudent, if you're smart, if you're not a fool, you will acknowledge that what I have written in this prophecy is the Word of God. You will acknowledge that you need God in your life, that you don't need to depart from Him. You'll acknowledge that apart from God there's nothing but condemnation, but with God there is nothing but love. Battery. Oh, something came on. Here we go. You'll acknowledge that God loves you. You'll acknowledge that His Word is true. You'll acknowledge that sin is an offense to God and that you're wrong. You'll acknowledge before it's too late because remember there were times in the book of Hosea when it was too late for Israel. They pushed too far and Assyria came just like God said they would. And Assyria destroyed them. And there's going to come a time if you reject God then sin is going to destroy you. God's going to destroy you. So he says, who's wise? Who's not a fool? Who's prudent? He says, the people that understand this Word, the people that accept this right here and take it to heart. He goes on to say, for the ways of the Lord are right. The ways of the Lord are right. Now the word ways here means the pathways. The paths that God has given us to walk. They're right. And if you're not walking on God's path you're wrong. And God loves you and Hosea is saying, please acknowledge that you're wrong. Please acknowledge you're on the wrong path. Please put your feet back on God's Word and turn from idols and back to God. God's paved a good and right pathway for people to walk with His Word. Look back in your text now, and the just shall walk in them. Who is a just person? The people who are walking in the way of God. Who is an unjust person? The people who are walking contrary to God's way. The people who've rejected that way and have gone about their own way. The Bible says, all we like sheep have gone astray. We've turned everyone to his own way. The Lord has laid on him that is on Jesus the iniquity of us all. God put, if you're off on the wrong path, God put your sin on Jesus. And He says, you can come back to my path if you'll come to my Son. Accept Him as your Savior. You can come walk in my ways. The just shall walk in them. The unjust won't. The truth's been given to us in the book of Hosea. It's just a matter of what we do with that truth. Just like the ground that the rain comes down on. It all depends on how you respond to it. What are you going to bear? Thorns or fruit? It's just a matter of what we do with that truth. The just shall walk in this truth. Look back in your text, but the transgressors shall fall therein. The transgressors shall fall therein. Instead of walking in God's ways, transgressors fall therein. You see, wise men, they step in God's paths, but foolish men stumble on God's path. Why is that? They're unwilling to walk in God's paths because God's path is offensive to them. They don't like it. It's obnoxious to them. This morning in Sunday school next door we were talking about, we were learning about burnt offerings and how when God smelled the burnt offering, there's a picture of the righteous pure life of Christ. And it says that he smelled a sweet savor, a pleasing wonderful aroma. Man, sometimes you smell something dead. My wife gave me a bag of chips last night, brother Doug. Brother Doug loves groceries. And I don't eat chips very often. I don't. I don't eat crazy stuff much, but I just had a desire for some chips to eat with a sandwich she made. She said, "We have some nice chips you like." She gave them to me, I opened them up. They expired two years ago. That's how often I eat chips. Two years ago. They smelled bad. And I turned my nose up at them and we're gonna give them to the chickens. They're like mikey, they eat anything. So we're gonna give those chickens if they want them. But you see, to people who are transgressors of God's Word, God's Word is obnoxious to them. They turn their nose up at them, "I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that Bible stuff. I don't want to follow God. I'll do my way and what should stink to them. Have y'all ever had a nasty old dog? And you see that dog go out, you get the dog cleaned up, you take it over to Brittany's. Brittany gets it all spoofed up and everything, puts a bandana on it, and it smells good. And that dog can go out and if there's something dead, what's that dog gonna do? It'll wall or all in it. Why? Why is that attractive to them? They've got a different nature than we do. That's why. And to the transgressors, God's Word's not attractive to them. I tell you what, I don't want to be contrary to God's Word. I've lived that way before. I don't want that. And God's Word's pleasing to me. But to the transgressors, instead of walking in the paths and saying, oh look there's God's Word, I'm going to step this direction. This is what God tells me, I'm going to step there. And so by following God's Word, they're walking God's ways. But the others, when they come to God's Word, they see that instead of being a path to walk on, it's now a stone to stumble on. It's offensive to them. I'm not going to. And they end up falling on it. And it becomes something that condemns them instead of guides them. See that's the picture here. If I'm walking on the stones that God laid, now those stones have become my guidance. But if I refuse to walk on them, then they're not taking me anywhere but down. The commandments I obey, they bless me. What I disobey condemns me. And so that's the idea here. The transgressors are not going to walk in them. It says, the transgressors shall fall therein. Wise men step in God's paths, foolish men stumble on them. 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 6 through 8. We better hurry. 1st Peter chapter 2 verse 6 through 8. Wherefore also is contained in the Scripture. Behold, I lay in Sion a chief cornerstone. This is Jesus. Elect, precious, and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. He's not going to be moved. He's not going to be discouraged. In the sense that he's not going to be ashamed or confused whenever he stands before God in judgment. Because he's standing on the rock of his salvation, Jesus Christ. "Unto you," verse 7, "therefore which believe he that is Jesus is precious, but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, in a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense." That's the way Jesus is to unbelievers. They don't stand on them. They stumble over them. They're offended by them. "Even of them which stumble at the word, being disobedient, were unto also they were appointed." How sad. There are people appointed to fall. It's not that God chooses for them to fall, but it's that God chooses for those who reject his Son for their falling to be the outcome. You can do one of two things with the gospel. Stand on it or stumble over it. Stand on and live and fall or die. Fall and die. One of the two. Stand on it and live or fall and die. That's how God is wrapping up the book of Hosea. His Word's been presented to you. You have the opportunity, the encouragement to return to God. He says he'll welcome you back in his grace. He'll take the furthest sinner and bring them back to him and reconcile them through Jesus, his Son. Wash them of all sin and put them on a path worth living. Whoever's wise will do that. The foolish will stumble on those words and be condemned. Father we thank you for your precious Word. We thank you Father for those who came here today dear Lord and who took time out of their day Father to sit and hear your Word. We're so grateful for each and every one of them. We're so grateful for the choice they made to come and listen to your scriptures. I pray for each and every person here for your blessing upon their lives, your love and your grace to be shown to them Father. I pray everyone here dear Lord God will receive your Word to walk therein and not be offended by it. Oh dear God life takes us so far from you sometimes. We get so caught up in foolishness and we drift so far away and it seems we could never return. But your eyes are upon men, your ears are listening to their cry and when they say oh God I've sinned, then you say sinner come home. And we thank you so much for that and I pray Lord you'll bless the food we're about to receive next door, the time of fun and fellowship. And I pray dear Lord God you'll give me wisdom and show me Father God what you want these people to learn. The book of your Bible you want them to learn Father God next Sunday. And help me to have a wonderful time and study. And I pray for Brother Shepherd study as well and Miss Elizabeth. We ask in Jesus name, Amen.

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