Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 9:14 "What Wilt Thou Give?"

January 21, 2024 00:25:53
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 9:14  "What Wilt Thou Give?"
Know Im Saved Bible Teaching - Book of Hosea
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 9:14 "What Wilt Thou Give?"

Jan 21 2024 | 00:25:53


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Pastor Richard Fulton teaches verse by verse through the scriptures with the primary objective of communicating the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, in a clear and simple light.

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Hosea chapter 9 verse 14 the title of message this morning is what will thou give? What will thou give? The past few months we've been studying God's response to the sin of Israel as a nation And by doing so we've learned a lot about sins role and God's involvement in the rise and fall of national powers At least we should have in our study of Hosea I hope you've learned to see how God works behind The scenes to raise a nation up and to bring a nation down the world may blame natural disasters world may blame the the poor economy or disease or or war or famine as the calls of their national ruin But in the book of Hosea we learn that our spiritual health directly affects our National health and God has complete sovereignty over nature He has sovereignty over the famine. He has sovereignty over the economy He has sovereignty over our national security as well as our physical well-being as we'll learn in the text this morning speaking of the rebellious people of Israel Hosea said verse 14 Give them Oh Lord let's pause there father. We thank you for your precious word. I thank you for those who came here this morning I'm excited father about getting into the scriptures this morning I thank you for those Lord who came here to learn your word who have their Bibles open Their ears open and their hearts open to the Word of God and may your Holy Spirit be so faithful as he always is father to Teach your saints to feed them the bread of heaven and ask this in Jesus precious name As we yield ourselves wholly unto you now both to teach and to learn in Christ's name. Amen Hosea is calling for the Lord to give something to the people of Israel Give them Oh Lord The Hebrew word translated give here. It's very interesting to study Especially when you go back and this is where I like to start if I want to study a word I like to see how it's first used in the Bible Did you do that brother shepherd? I enjoy that very much kind of sets of presidents for it And so when you go back and you see where this this Hebrew word that's translated give here You see that's first used in the Bible. You're gonna see that it was used when God made the Sun the moon and the stars and he Set them in the firmament of heaven that Hebrew word translated set Is the same word translated give here in Hosea this morning? Well, brother Richard, which was it? Is he setting or is he giving? It's all the same thing when you understand the richness of this word You see when God set those lights in the heaven He was setting them in their proper place He was giving the heaven what belonged to it You understand that by setting those lights in the firmament of heaven God was giving the heaven what belonged to it the next time you see this word being used in the Bible It's when God gave The herbs and the fruit trees to Adam as his source of food once again God gave that food source to Adam and when he did he was setting Those plants in their proper place He was giving to mankind What belonged to them you see how this all goes together? after giving man food God then gave man a woman Same word, by the way, he gave this woman to Adam once again God was putting that woman in her proper place He was giving man that what what he by his wise Sovereign and loving plan had developed. He was giving man what belonged to him Setting that woman in her proper place after God gave Eve to Adam Eve did just the opposite of what God had been doing Just the opposite She gave the forbidden fruit to Adam same word She took that fruit Instead of doing what God did with the stars and the Sun and the moon When God gave those to the firmament he set those in the proper place But she did the opposite she took that fruit and she said it in the wrong place She gave to man what did not belong to him. You see what's happening there When Adam yielded to Eve and he ate that fruit that did not belong to him Do you know what Adam was doing the same thing Eve had done? Adam put his obedience in the wrong place He put his love and his devotion in the wrong place He gave to Eve what did not belong to her that obedience belonged to God And guess what When things started getting out of place is when things started getting very bad for this world When God said something in place, it's always good when man puts something out of place It always goes wrong when God gives something He puts it in its proper place God gives what justly belongs to the creature. He's giving it to let that sink in I'm gonna say it again when God gives something He puts it in its proper place Giving what justly belongs to the creature He's giving it to and here Hosea this morning says give them Oh Lord, do you realize what Hosea is prophetically asking God to do here? Do you understand what the Lord is about to do based on what? Hosea is prophetically praying to him give them Oh Lord God is about to give rebellious Israel what justly belongs to them He's about to set things in their proper place Because Israel had not given God the faithfulness that justly belonged to him God is about to give the affliction that justly belong to them Because Israel did not give God What justly belonged to him? Hosea now asked God What Israel would be given in return? Give them Oh God look back in your text What? Wilt thou give? You're gonna give them something You have to justly return to them what's rightfully do them in their rebellious state That's what you do What will thou give? What will you give these rebellious people Oh Lord and now prophetically? Hosea proceeds to answer the question that he had just asked God He says look back in your text give them a miscarrying womb Give them a miscarrying womb. I believe That God giving them a miscarrying womb is very significant here I'll explain why here in just a moment a Miscarrying womb what does that mean? Well by God's design a woman carries a Child in her womb for nine months and then she gives birth to that child. She has a carrying womb a Miscarrying womb However is one that does not vitally carry that child its full nine-month term It's an abortive womb. That's what a miscarrying womb is if you were to look up this word in the Hebrew dictionary, it will say a abortive an abortive womb Does not give birth to a living child? That's a miscarrying womb Now why is that so significant to our text this morning? Remember how we went back to Genesis? To understand the significance of God giving Israel something We go back to Genesis again to understand the significance of God giving them a miscarrying womb Before Adam and Eve sinned before they set things out of their proper place While God had everything in his proper place Genesis chapter 1 verse 26 through 28 says and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and Over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth That's God setting everything in order giving man giving beast What justly belongs to each creature verse 27? So God created man in his own image in the image of God created to him when God gave man the image of God Once again, he was giving to man. What justly belonged to him according to his wise design Male and female created to them giving to mankind what? Justly belonged to them according his wise design. He gave him their genders verse 28 and God blessed them This is the first blessing That we see given to man The first blessing we see God given to man. God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and Multiply and replenish the earth the first blessing God gave man was the fruit of their womb Now if you're from the 70s, that's not the fruit of the loom. All right, don't get that mixed up the fruit of their womb That was the blessing of God When God blessed Adam and Eve he told them be fruitful and multiply and replenish that means fill the earth What was God doing? When God blessed them and gave them that fruitful womb He was setting a blessing in its proper place He was giving to mankind But justly belonged to them the blessing of a fruitful womb The first recorded blessing That God gave man and now we see in the book of Hosea That God is retracting the blessing When Israel began serving false gods Do you know what they were doing? They were setting their allegiance in the wrong place Just like Eve gave the fruit that did not belong to Adam They were giving their obedience to a false God that did not belong to it It's the same thing Taking everything out of its place. They were getting things out of their divine order not giving God What justly belonged to him their faithful love and? unquestionable obedience so now their disorderly conduct Was bringing a disorderly curse The blessings been retracted where God had once set a blessing He would now set a curse. This was not God's plan This was man's or God's response to man's plan He was setting a blessing we hid where he had once set a curse their fruitful womb would now be a miscarrying womb When God gave Israel miscarrying womb He gave them what justly belonged to them you see Here's a kingdom truth When we unjustly give disorder to God God justly returns disorder to us We'll say it again. Let it sink in when we unjustly give disorder to God God justly returns disorder to us they unjustly Gave disorder to God when they worship false gods God justly returned disorder to them giving them a barren womb Hosea said give them a miscarrying womb look back in your text and dry breasts dry breasts The dryness of Israel's love for God Would result in the dryness of their milk for their children They were unfruitful to God and now they would become unfruitful unto themselves They would have miscarrying wombs and dry breasts Being unable to sustain the fruit of their own womb how sad how sad He I don't know if any woman in here has ever had to watch their child go hungry for a little bit And you want to feed the child you don't have anything to feed it. I hope that's never happened anyone here I could only imagine how sad I would be if my child was in that situation But this is what was going to happen to Israel once again when we unjustly give disorder to God God justly returns disorder to Us this was out of order God's order was a fruitful womb and milk in the breast They got things out of order. So God justly returned disorder to them Unfruitful womb and dryness and the breasts For this reason based on this principle Let me assure you that your life will never be in order Until you render to God what justly belongs to him Luke chapter 20 verse 25 Jesus enemies were tempting him and they were asking him about should should we render tribute to Caesar? Jesus answer was absolutely brilliant and In verse 25 Luke 20 25 and he said unto them render therefore undeceser or give therefore undeceser The things which be Caesar's and unto God the things which be God's It's January. I Just remembered yesterday that I have to go pay my taxes on my house Soon it will be April I will have to pay taxes to the federal government or at least reckon with them on those taxes. Maybe they'll owe me. I don't know But when we pay our taxes We're sitting things in their proper place when we pay our taxes We're sitting that money in its proper place when we pay our ties We're sitting that money in its proper place when we pay our reverence our obedience our Failing love and devotion to God. We are setting things in their proper place When you give obedience to God you're sitting obedience in his proper place. You're giving God what justly belongs to him in Acts chapter 5 verse 29 The high priest told the apostles to stop teaching in the name of Jesus. I Mean miracles are being done. People are still following Jesus even after he's been dead and raised from the dead and It's there's more people following Jesus now There was before same like and they said you quit teaching in the name of Jesus Acts 5 29 then Peter and the other apostles answered and said we ought to obey God rather than man Do you know what they were doing? They were setting their love their affection their obedience in the proper place They were giving to God what justly belonged to to him They had a choice They were telling them don't teach in the name of Jesus. They could have yielded to their demand and obeyed man But had they obeyed man instead of God, what would they have been doing that have been doing what Eve did? They'd have been taking what what justly belonged to God in giving them what did not belong to them But these people these apostles they set things in their proper place Their lives were in order Because they set God in his rightful place in their hearts. They gave him what was justly do him But when you don't set things in The rifle place that God ordained for them in your life Then you're bringing disorder and sorrow and a curse into your life Hosea said give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. I Want you understand some of these more I'm gonna get very practical with you now that would that is a great spiritual principle for us to apply across the board and in so doing I want to elaborate on what Jose is saying and Not only address the general but also the specific When God put milk in a woman's breast He Like the stars in heaven Was setting milk in its proper place When God put babies in their mother's wombs He like the stars in heaven was setting those children in their proper place It is a blessing to have children in your womb the first blessing God gave man It is a blessing to have milk in your breasts But young woman and I pray to God no one over no one here ever will but we've got some young girls in here that one Day will become women and I want to make sure everybody knows When you choose to abort your pregnancy You are refusing God's blessing and you're bringing the curse upon yourself This was a curse a miscarrying womb And I know we all have a fallen flesh and we get sick and I know people have Miscarriages and things like that and it's not always the curse of God. But in this case it was They would have an inordinate amount of miscarriages an ordinate lack of milk and sustenance for their children Just like the seven years of famine that happened in the land of Egypt. It was inordinate It was God caused and God Put this curse upon Israel saying I'm gonna give you dry breasts. I am going to give you a miscarrying womb That was a curse And when a young woman Takes a child in their womb That God's put there and they elect Out of their own selfishness Yes Selfishness. So well, I I just wanted to advance my career at the cost of your child's life Well, I just didn't want to be shackled down with the burden so you put the burden on your baby and killed it All that's tough words pastor Fulton they need to be tough they're true When you choose to abort your child You are rejecting the blessing and instead of God curse you're bringing the curse upon yourself Is a blessing to have children your womb is a blessing to have milk in your breasts When you abort that child You're not giving that child what justly belongs to it life When God has given you plenty of good wholesome breast milk and You choose to let your breasts go dry on purpose Which is the best nutrition you can give your baby God made that he designed that And instead you choose to let your breasts go dry on purpose and Instead give your baby some substandard powdered formula You are not setting the blessing of God in its proper place You are bringing the curse of dry breasts upon yourself So brother Richard that's kind of personal don't you think sure it is and God addresses it so we're gonna dress it here This is truth. This is God's Word when God put that baby in your womb He was putting his blessing in the proper place And when you in turn deliver that child raise that child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord And then give that child back to God for his service You're returning that child putting that blessing back in his proper place by giving it to God Your house is in order and God will bless it When God put that milk in your breasts he was putting his blessing in the proper place And when you in turn Put that milk in your little baby Then you're putting that blessing back in its proper place where God designed it to go You are giving your child what justly belongs to it The nutrition God gave you to give him for her Remember whether it's a womb or breasts or obedience Allegiance worship Remember to give God what justly belongs to him Because you can bank on it Just like with Israel God's gonna give what justly belongs to you in return I'm gonna close with some poetry Which hadn't done in a while. I want to reduce this sermon to a poem and we'll go home God willing Life and milk in womb and breast God sets in order what is best so always give what's justly do For he'll return what's just to you things set in their proper place returns you returns to you the proper grace With that we'll go ahead and close with a word of prayer Heavenly Father we thank you so much for your precious word We love you so much and I pray dear God that we as a people male female young and old Whether it's our breasts or womb or whatever you've given us Lord That will recognize the divine order of God and that we will maintain Father the order you've set for us Father that will give unto you what's justly do to our God Knowing that you will return what's justly do to us Whether for our good or for our correction Thank you for everything you've done for us. Oh Lord. We love you so much help us to see your order To know your order and to set things in order in our lives in Christ's name. Amen

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