Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:5 "The Holy Places"

May 12, 2024 00:29:58
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:5 "The Holy Places"
Know Im Saved Bible Teaching - Book of Hosea
Verse by verse teaching - Hosea 11:5 "The Holy Places"

May 12 2024 | 00:29:58


Show Notes

Pastor Richard Fulton teaches verse by verse through the scriptures with the primary objective of communicating the Gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation, in a clear and simple light.

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Episode Transcript

You take God's precious Word and turn to the book of Hosea, chapter 11. 00:00 --> 00:05 Hosea, chapter 11. 00:05 --> 00:08 This past week, we passed out 132 tracts. 00:08 --> 00:13 And y'all keep that up. 00:13 --> 00:16 We won't delay anymore. We need to get into God's Word. 00:16 --> 00:19 We've spent a lot of time, but boy, it's been a good time. 00:19 --> 00:21 And what an encouragement it is to hear from Brother James, 00:21 --> 00:24 and what God is doing in his life. 00:24 --> 00:29 Looking forward to fellowshiping with them after church. 00:29 --> 00:32 Hosea, chapter 11, verse 5, will be expounding this morning. 00:32 --> 00:36 The tile of the message is the holy places. 00:36 --> 00:40 The holy places. 00:40 --> 00:43 Now, in verse 4 last week, God beautifully explained 00:43 --> 00:46 how he had taken Israel, who was lame on their feet in Egypt, 00:46 --> 00:52 who was dead in their trespasses and sins, 00:52 --> 00:55 and caused them to walk out of that land of bondage. 00:55 --> 00:59 God said he healed them. 00:59 --> 01:02 He healed Israel. 01:02 --> 01:03 Jesus healed people who couldn't walk in the New Testament. 01:03 --> 01:07 He healed them like Jesus healed and raised the dead, 01:07 --> 01:11 and took them by the hand and raised them back on their feet, 01:11 --> 01:16 enabling them to rise and leave Egypt in the power of his grace. 01:16 --> 01:21 God said he drew Israel from Egypt with the cords of a man. 01:21 --> 01:27 And he was speaking of Moses, who foreshadowed Jesus, the true cord, 01:27 --> 01:31 by which God would draw us out of our bondage to sin and death. 01:31 --> 01:37 By being lifted up on the cross from the earth, 01:37 --> 01:41 Jesus said he would, what, draw all men unto him. 01:41 --> 01:48 The problem is the new generation of Israelites 01:48 --> 01:50 had rejected the God who loved them. 01:50 --> 01:54 When his prophets called for them to return to God, 01:54 --> 01:58 they rejected God, and they went a whoring after the gods of the nations around them. 01:58 --> 02:06 The grace of God brought their fathers out of bondage in Egypt. 02:06 --> 02:11 God's grace brought them out, and it would be God's grace 02:11 --> 02:14 that would have to keep them out of bondage. 02:14 --> 02:18 So by rejecting God's grace, the new generation forfeited everything 02:18 --> 02:23 that the previous generation had received. 02:23 --> 02:28 In John 8, verse 36, Jesus said, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, 02:28 --> 02:38 ye shall be free indeed." 02:38 --> 02:40 The grace of Christ brings freedom. 02:40 --> 02:45 That means the absence of Christ brings bondage. 02:45 --> 02:49 So having rejected the grace of God that set them free from Egypt, 02:49 --> 02:53 Israel would now return to Egypt. 02:53 --> 02:56 How be it, God said, if you look now at Hosea 11.5, 02:56 --> 02:59 he shall not return into the land of Egypt. 02:59 --> 03:05 Notice the emphasis I'm putting on the words. 03:05 --> 03:10 Israel would return to Egypt because they rejected God. 03:10 --> 03:14 How be it, verse 5 says, "He shall not return into the land of Egypt." 03:14 --> 03:20 That may sound like a contradiction because I just said Israel was going back to Egypt, 03:20 --> 03:25 and now Hosea in chapter 11, verse 5, is saying he's not going back to Egypt. 03:25 --> 03:30 But listen to what God told Hosea back in chapter 8. 03:30 --> 03:38 In Hosea 8, verse 12-13, God said, "I have written to him the great things of my law, 03:38 --> 03:47 but they were counted as a strange thing. 03:47 --> 03:50 They sacrificed flesh for the sacrifices of my offerings and eat it. 03:50 --> 03:56 But the Lord accepted them not. 03:56 --> 03:58 Now will he remember their iniquity and visit their sins. 03:58 --> 04:02 They shall return to Egypt." 04:02 --> 04:06 So in chapter 8, God says they're going back to Egypt. 04:06 --> 04:12 But here in chapter 11, verse 5, this morning, he says they're not going back into the land 04:12 --> 04:16 of Egypt. 04:16 --> 04:17 And it seems like a contradiction, but it's not. 04:17 --> 04:22 Israel would return to Egypt, and yet they would not return to Egypt. 04:22 --> 04:30 In verse 5, underscore the word land in your Bible, land. 04:30 --> 04:38 Israel would be returning to the same bondage they experienced in Egypt, but they would 04:38 --> 04:44 not be returning to the same place where they experienced it. 04:44 --> 04:47 You see what's happening here? 04:47 --> 04:50 They would return to their former condition, but they would not return to their former land. 04:50 --> 04:56 They're not going back to Egypt, literally. 04:56 --> 04:59 If God were to send them back to Egypt, he'd have to bring them back out of Egypt. 04:59 --> 05:03 And God's already done that. 05:03 --> 05:05 We've already had the Passover. 05:05 --> 05:07 We've already had the Red Sea part. 05:07 --> 05:09 We've already had the plagues. 05:09 --> 05:10 We've already had the Passover blood applied to the doors. 05:10 --> 05:13 They're gone. 05:13 --> 05:16 God's not repeating that again. 05:16 --> 05:19 Jesus isn't coming back and dying on the cross again. 05:19 --> 05:22 None of that's going to happen again. 05:22 --> 05:25 However, this new generation having rejected God's grace, they rejected everything that 05:25 --> 05:31 came along with it. 05:31 --> 05:32 They would be returning to the same bondage, but not to the same place. 05:32 --> 05:35 They would return to their former condition, but not their former land. 05:35 --> 05:40 When God said they would be returning to Egypt, he was speaking about Egypt in the spiritual 05:40 --> 05:45 sense, not in the geographical and national sense. 05:45 --> 05:51 Remember back to what the Bible said about the two witnesses in the book of Revelation. 05:51 --> 05:58 In Revelation chapter 11, verse eight, after the two witnesses are going to be killed for 05:58 --> 06:05 their testimony, the Bible says, "And their dead bodies shall lie on the street of the 06:05 --> 06:11 great city," which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. 06:11 --> 06:20 For also our Lord was crucified. 06:20 --> 06:22 Well, Jesus wasn't crucified in Egypt. 06:22 --> 06:26 He was crucified in Jerusalem and the Holy Land, but here the Holy Land is being called 06:26 --> 06:33 Sodom and Egypt. 06:33 --> 06:37 Isn't that something? 06:37 --> 06:38 The great city where our Lord was crucified in Jerusalem spiritually is called Egypt because 06:38 --> 06:46 the Jews in Jerusalem were in the same spiritual condition as if they were the people of Sodom 06:46 --> 06:54 in Egypt. 06:54 --> 06:56 As Israel rejected their God in Hosea's time, so they, like the people of Sodom, how they 06:56 --> 07:02 rejected God's message then, and like the people in Egypt, how they rejected God's message 07:02 --> 07:08 when he said, "Let my people go," so the Jews rejected God in Jesus' time. 07:08 --> 07:16 No difference. 07:16 --> 07:17 But that's not the only time that Hosea is speaking about this morning. 07:17 --> 07:23 He's not just talking about the time in Sodom or the time in Egypt or the time in Jerusalem 07:23 --> 07:29 when Jesus came. 07:29 --> 07:32 Remember Hosea is a book of prophecy. 07:32 --> 07:37 Hosea is not only prophesying about near-time events for Israel, he is prophesying about 07:37 --> 07:43 end-time events for Israel. 07:43 --> 07:46 He is not only describing Israel's spiritual condition in his time, but he's also describing 07:46 --> 07:52 the spiritual condition in the end time of Israel, which is why the Apostle John in the 07:52 --> 08:00 book of the Revelation described Jerusalem spiritually as Sodom and Egypt. 08:00 --> 08:07 The same way God described them to Hosea, they would return to Egypt. 08:07 --> 08:12 So when God said Israel would return to Egypt, he meant Israel nationally would become Egypt 08:12 --> 08:20 spiritually. 08:20 --> 08:23 They would become a heathen nation, listen now, dwelling in a holy land. 08:23 --> 08:28 Repeat that again. 08:28 --> 08:31 Israel would become a heathen nation dwelling in a holy land. 08:31 --> 08:38 Israel wasn't going to Egypt. 08:38 --> 08:41 Egypt spiritually was coming to them. 08:41 --> 08:44 They wouldn't go to bondage. 08:44 --> 08:47 Bondage would go to them. 08:47 --> 08:49 Once again, they would be a heathen nation dwelling in a holy place. 08:49 --> 08:55 That's exactly what our churches are becoming in our day. 08:55 --> 09:03 In the end time, the Apostle Paul said there would be a great falling away from the faith. 09:03 --> 09:11 That means people won't be leaving the church. 09:11 --> 09:16 You see, Israel wasn't leaving the land of Israel. 09:16 --> 09:21 They weren't going to Egypt. Egypt was coming to them. 09:21 --> 09:26 They weren't leaving for a heathen land. 09:26 --> 09:27 The heathen land was coming to them. 09:27 --> 09:31 They were going to be spiritually Egypt. 09:31 --> 09:36 When Paul said there would be a great falling away, he didn't say there would be a great 09:36 --> 09:40 going away. 09:40 --> 09:42 He said there would be a great falling away. 09:42 --> 09:45 That means people won't be leaving the church, but the church would be leaving the truth 09:45 --> 09:49 that set them free, just like Israel did during Hosea's time. 09:49 --> 09:56 You see, Egypt was never Israel's problem. 09:56 --> 10:01 You know what Israel's problem was? 10:01 --> 10:04 The same problem you have today. 10:04 --> 10:07 The world, the flesh, and the devil. 10:07 --> 10:11 That's it. 10:11 --> 10:12 That was Israel's problem the whole time. 10:12 --> 10:16 That's our problem as well. 10:16 --> 10:18 Israel left Egypt, but they didn't leave the world. 10:18 --> 10:23 They still in the world. 10:23 --> 10:24 They left Egypt. 10:24 --> 10:25 They didn't leave the flesh. 10:25 --> 10:26 They left Egypt. 10:26 --> 10:27 The devil tagged all the way to the promised land with them. 10:27 --> 10:32 Their enemy followed them all the way to the land that God gave them, and that's where 10:32 --> 10:36 the next generation, if they rejected, God's Word would fall before their enemy. 10:36 --> 10:44 Our forefathers, they may have brought us into a Christian nation. 10:44 --> 10:49 They may have came over here, spread the gospel, and had great revivals in the past. 10:49 --> 10:58 If this generation rejects God's Word, then they will fall to the enemy in a once Christian 10:58 --> 11:03 land, just like Israel was doing. 11:03 --> 11:07 If this generation of churches departs from God's Word, then like Israel, they will fall 11:07 --> 11:13 to the enemy while they occupy the church. 11:13 --> 11:18 The fact that Israel remained in the holy land and at the same time became unholy people 11:18 --> 11:27 is a warning to me and you. 11:27 --> 11:29 If it can happen to the offspring of Abraham, it can happen to us, and it's happening right 11:29 --> 11:35 now. 11:35 --> 11:36 Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. 11:36 --> 11:40 The Savior of the world was rejected in the most holy place on earth. 11:40 --> 11:46 It was the people who worked in the temple that rejected and called for the crucifixion 11:46 --> 11:52 of the Lamb of God that was represented by the temple sacrifices, of the light of God 11:52 --> 11:59 that was represented in the holy place, of the presence of God among us that was represented 11:59 --> 12:05 in the most holy place, of Jesus being our high priest that was represented by the priesthood 12:05 --> 12:10 themselves. 12:10 --> 12:12 In that most holy place, the greatest offense was committed. 12:12 --> 12:20 That's why the most holy city in the world is called Sodom and Egypt in the book of the 12:20 --> 12:26 Revelation. 12:26 --> 12:27 Here's the kingdom and truth for you this morning. 12:27 --> 12:30 Our victory is not in a place, it's in a person. 12:30 --> 12:36 Put no trust in your ministry, put no trust in your church, put no trust in your rich 12:36 --> 12:43 Christian history or your denomination, for we can be defeated by the enemy in the most 12:43 --> 12:51 holy places. 12:51 --> 12:55 Brother Richard, how was Israel defeated by their enemy? 12:55 --> 12:58 That's what we have to get to. 12:58 --> 13:02 How was Israel defeated by their enemy? 13:02 --> 13:04 I'll tell you. 13:04 --> 13:06 Here's how Israel was defeated by their enemy. 13:06 --> 13:08 They quit being their enemy's enemy and they started being their enemy's friend. 13:08 --> 13:15 I'll repeat that again. 13:15 --> 13:17 Here is how people were defeated in the holy place. 13:17 --> 13:22 They quit being their enemy's enemy and they started being their enemy's friend. 13:22 --> 13:29 Boy, God brought them in that promised land, land of milk and honey. 13:29 --> 13:34 He defeated their enemies. 13:34 --> 13:35 He helped them drive them out. 13:35 --> 13:37 They didn't drive them out all the way as they should. 13:37 --> 13:40 He helped them drive them out. 13:40 --> 13:41 He put kings on the throne. 13:41 --> 13:43 He blessed them financially, blessed them with wisdom, blessed them with victory. 13:43 --> 13:49 Whenever they got comfortable in that promised land, they then became friends of the world. 13:49 --> 13:58 They wanted a king like the nations around them. 13:58 --> 14:02 They wanted to worship the gods of the nations around them. 14:02 --> 14:08 They quit being their enemy's enemy. 14:08 --> 14:11 They drove them out and they wanted to become just like them. 14:11 --> 14:16 That's how you fall to the enemy in a holy place. 14:16 --> 14:20 James chapter four verse four says, "Ye adulterers and adulterers," says, "No, ye not, that the 14:20 --> 14:26 friendship of the world is the enmity of God. 14:26 --> 14:30 Whosoever, therefore, will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." 14:30 --> 14:37 They quit being their enemy's enemy and when they became their enemy's friend, they became 14:37 --> 14:41 the enemy of God. 14:41 --> 14:42 You see what happens there? 14:42 --> 14:43 They became friends with their flesh and began yielding to the lust thereof. 14:43 --> 14:48 Romans chapter eight verse seven through eight, "Because the carnal mind is enmity against 14:48 --> 14:54 God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be, so then they that are 14:54 --> 14:59 in the flesh cannot please God." 14:59 --> 15:02 They became friends with the devil. 15:02 --> 15:05 So ah, Brother Richard, how they worship the devil. 15:05 --> 15:07 They worship the devil by worshiping those false gods. 15:07 --> 15:13 You see the devil masquerades behind all false worship. 15:13 --> 15:19 You may think Brother Richard, they weren't worshiping the devil. 15:19 --> 15:21 They were just worshiping those graven images of the nations around them. 15:21 --> 15:27 But the devil is behind every graven image no matter what the name that image goes by. 15:27 --> 15:36 In the book of the Revelation, there will be an unholy trinity. 15:36 --> 15:42 God has a holy trinity, the father, the son, and the holy spirit, and the devil has an 15:42 --> 15:46 unholy trinity. 15:46 --> 15:48 He has a counterfeit Godhead which will consist of the beast, the dragon, and the false prophet. 15:48 --> 15:56 The dragon is Satan, that old serpent, the devil. 15:56 --> 16:02 And the dragon, Satan is the power behind the beast, and he will receive worship through 16:02 --> 16:08 that beast. 16:08 --> 16:10 Revelation chapter 13 verse 4. 16:10 --> 16:13 Revelation chapter 13 verse 4. 16:13 --> 16:15 And they worshiped the dragon which gave power unto the beast. 16:15 --> 16:22 And they worshiped the beast saying, "Who is like unto the beast who is able to make war 16:22 --> 16:28 with him?" 16:28 --> 16:29 And guess who the unholy trinity wants to make war with? 16:29 --> 16:34 Guess who the unholy trinity are the enemies of? 16:34 --> 16:38 They're the enemies of the kingdom of God just like they were in Hosea's time. 16:38 --> 16:44 Revelation chapter 13 verse 6. 16:44 --> 16:46 And he that is the false prophet opened his mouth in blasphemy against God to blaspheme 16:46 --> 16:53 his name in his tabernacle in them that dwell in heaven. 16:53 --> 16:58 And guess what the false prophet is going to do? 16:58 --> 17:02 He is going to do just like they did back in Hosea's time. 17:02 --> 17:05 The false prophet, you got the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 17:05 --> 17:09 The false prophet in the end time is going to ordain an image as a focal point for the 17:09 --> 17:19 world to channel its worship to the beast and the dragon. 17:19 --> 17:23 You'll have an image. 17:23 --> 17:25 The world will worship the image. 17:25 --> 17:27 That worship through the focal point of that image will go to the beast which ultimately 17:27 --> 17:32 goes to the dragon who is giving the beast its power. 17:32 --> 17:36 He masquerades. 17:36 --> 17:39 Revelation chapter 13 verse 13 through 15 says, "And he doeth great wonders so that 17:39 --> 17:46 he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth and the sight of men, and deceiveth 17:46 --> 17:51 them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do 17:51 --> 17:55 in the sight of the beast, saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make 17:55 --> 18:00 an image to the beast which had the wound by a sword and did live. 18:00 --> 18:07 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast 18:07 --> 18:12 should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should 18:12 --> 18:19 be killed." 18:19 --> 18:22 So the world will worship the image which represents the beast and behind the beast 18:22 --> 18:29 is the dragon being worshiped from whom the beast gets his power. 18:29 --> 18:34 So Israel having become a friend of the world, the flesh and the devil had become the enemies 18:34 --> 18:41 of God. 18:41 --> 18:42 And the problem with that is, you say, "Well, I want to make friends of the world. 18:42 --> 18:46 Why not be like the world? 18:46 --> 18:47 Why not just go along to get along?" 18:47 --> 18:49 The problem is when we make friends with the enemy, the enemy doesn't make friends with 18:49 --> 18:54 us. 18:54 --> 18:57 No matter how much you love the world, the world will never love you back. 18:57 --> 19:02 No matter how much you love the flesh, the flesh will never love you back. 19:02 --> 19:07 No matter how much you love the image you worship, the devil behind that image will 19:07 --> 19:11 never love you back. 19:11 --> 19:16 You can be their friend, but they'll never be yours. 19:16 --> 19:21 Your enemy will always be your enemy no matter how much you love him. 19:21 --> 19:28 The only person who will ever love you is the one your enemy hates, and that's the Lord 19:28 --> 19:36 Jesus Christ. 19:36 --> 19:39 While dwelling in a holy place, Israel made friends with unholy people, with an unholy 19:39 --> 19:43 enemy. 19:43 --> 19:44 So now their unholy enemy would defeat them in the holy place. 19:44 --> 19:50 While living in a holy place, they made friends with an unholy enemy. 19:50 --> 19:55 So now the unholy enemy would defeat them in a holy place. 19:55 --> 19:58 They would return to Egypt, but they would remain in Israel. 19:58 --> 20:03 By becoming friends with God's enemies, they became the enemy of God. 20:03 --> 20:09 And when God is not your friend, your enemy will destroy you in the holy place you're 20:09 --> 20:16 in. 20:16 --> 20:17 You want to know why the devil? 20:17 --> 20:21 We can all admit the churches are becoming more and more like the world, right? 20:21 --> 20:29 You look at a nightclub, and you look at a lot of our churches today, they can't tell 20:29 --> 20:34 any difference. 20:34 --> 20:36 The music sounds the same, the stage looks the same, it's all a performance, it's all 20:36 --> 20:43 a show. 20:43 --> 20:45 And the truth is going out just like it was going out of Israel in that day. 20:45 --> 20:49 And the world is becoming more and more, I'm sorry, the church is becoming more and more 20:49 --> 20:54 and more like the world. 20:54 --> 20:58 We've mentioned here some of our local churches that in times past have on Sunday mornings 20:58 --> 21:05 dressed up in Disney characters. 21:05 --> 21:08 We had one in this very county, a large church, that used movies from Disney as their sermon 21:08 --> 21:19 series in their church. 21:19 --> 21:26 The churches are becoming more and more like the world. 21:26 --> 21:30 You want to know why the devil wants churches to become more and more like the world? 21:30 --> 21:35 It's because he wants them to become his friends so he can destroy them in their holy places. 21:35 --> 21:43 That's what's happening. 21:43 --> 21:45 What we're seeing happening to Israel in Hosea's time, people in holy places getting destroyed 21:45 --> 21:53 by an unholy enemy that they made their friends, that is what the devil is trying to do in 21:53 --> 21:58 our time and that's what he is accomplishing in our time. 21:58 --> 22:03 He wants us to become his friends, to be friends of the world so he can destroy us in our holy 22:03 --> 22:07 places. 22:07 --> 22:09 Now by serving the heathen gods, Israel would have to serve a heathen king. 22:09 --> 22:14 Watch how this works. 22:14 --> 22:16 They had embraced the gods of the nations around them. 22:16 --> 22:21 But you can't embrace a nation's god without embracing a nation's king. 22:21 --> 22:26 It's just not possible. 22:26 --> 22:28 God said Israel shall not return to Egypt, look back in your text, but the Assyrian shall 22:28 --> 22:33 be his king. 22:33 --> 22:35 See how that works? 22:35 --> 22:36 Here's the kingdom truth. 22:36 --> 22:38 Every god has a king and you can't take one without taking the other. 22:38 --> 22:47 Every god has a king and you can't take one without taking the other. 22:47 --> 22:52 It is impossible to embrace a god without embracing its king. 22:52 --> 22:58 It is impossible to embrace a king without embracing that king's god. 22:58 --> 23:03 Jesus Christ will never be your king unless his father is your god. 23:03 --> 23:10 His father will never be your god if Jesus isn't your king. 23:10 --> 23:14 He said if you have me, you have the father. 23:14 --> 23:18 You don't have me, you don't have the father. 23:18 --> 23:21 Every king has a god, every god has a king. 23:21 --> 23:26 If you accept deity, then you must also accept the authority the deity reigns through. 23:26 --> 23:36 If you accept a deity, then you must also accept the authority that deity reigns through. 23:36 --> 23:44 Israel had accepted the world's deities and now she would become subjected to the world's 23:44 --> 23:49 authorities that they reign by. 23:49 --> 23:53 They were supposed to worship god alone. 23:53 --> 23:56 He said thou shalt worship the lord thy god and he said you shall have no other gods before 23:56 --> 24:01 me. 24:01 --> 24:02 Had they done that then they would have lived under god's loving authority. 24:02 --> 24:07 But now having rejected god's deity, they would have to succumb to the world's authority. 24:07 --> 24:16 The siren would be Israel's king. Why? Look back in your text because they refused to 24:16 --> 24:20 return. 24:20 --> 24:23 They refused to return to god when god through the prophets called for them to do so. 24:23 --> 24:30 They wouldn't return to god so Egypt would return to them. 24:30 --> 24:36 There once was a time when our nation's founding fathers suffered persecution for their faith 24:36 --> 24:43 in foreign lands. 24:43 --> 24:46 My most favorite writer, one of my most favorite writers, I suppose Charles Spurgeon would 24:46 --> 24:54 have to be my favorite, but my second most favorite writer is John Bunyan. 24:54 --> 25:00 When he wrote Pilgrim's Progress he was in prison for preaching the gospel without a 25:00 --> 25:06 license. 25:06 --> 25:07 They tell you something, the world can't give me a license to preach the gospel. 25:07 --> 25:11 Jesus said all power is given unto me, go ye therefore. 25:11 --> 25:15 My license comes from the Lord Jesus Christ who sent out his church to preach the gospel. 25:15 --> 25:21 And here's this man in prison for preaching the gospel. 25:21 --> 25:28 And our founding fathers, they suffered persecution for their faith in foreign lands and they 25:28 --> 25:32 came over here hoping to gain freedom to worship. 25:32 --> 25:36 And those people by God's grace they gained independence over the people who oppressed 25:36 --> 25:42 them and they gained the ability to worship freely here. 25:42 --> 25:45 And for years as I grew up we were considered a Christian nation. 25:45 --> 25:51 And we like Israel we prospered greatly by God's grace. 25:51 --> 25:56 But our nation turned from God. 25:56 --> 26:00 And when the preachers called for them to return to God, just like the prophets called 26:00 --> 26:06 Israel to return to God in Hosea's time, before Hosea's time. 26:06 --> 26:12 When the preachers called for America to return to God they did just like Israel did. 26:12 --> 26:19 They rejected those preachers. 26:19 --> 26:22 They reject our message today. 26:22 --> 26:24 They say we're crazy, we're uneducated. 26:24 --> 26:27 And they refused to return. 26:28 --> 26:33 I pray often with my wife when we pray in the mornings that God will bring a revival, 26:33 --> 26:38 a repentance to America. 26:38 --> 26:41 We're never going to be able to go back to the freedom that we had until we embrace the 26:41 --> 26:47 grace of God that brings us freedom. 26:47 --> 26:51 Just not going to be able to do it. 26:51 --> 26:54 And I pray for that repentance, I pray for that revival, but as I watch, the Bible says 26:54 --> 27:00 the more those prophets preached to Israel to return the further they went away. 27:00 --> 27:04 And it seems like it's happening in our land too. 27:04 --> 27:09 So they refused to return. 27:09 --> 27:11 So now this siren would be their king. 27:11 --> 27:14 Now failing to return to God, Egypt at this time, is returning to us. 27:14 --> 27:21 See what's happening? 27:21 --> 27:22 By us failing to return to God, Egypt now, like Israel, is returning to us. 27:22 --> 27:29 Bondage is coming to us. 27:29 --> 27:33 Financial oppression. 27:33 --> 27:36 China could turn our nation off like a light switch if they wanted to. 27:36 --> 27:41 We saw how supply chain demand can hurt us. 27:41 --> 27:45 We're dependent on these other nations. 27:45 --> 27:49 And they can turn us off. 27:49 --> 27:52 Egypt at this time is returning to us. 27:52 --> 27:55 One nation under God has now become one nation without God. 27:55 --> 28:01 And we are falling before our enemy in the holy places. 28:01 --> 28:06 I'll tell you what though. 28:06 --> 28:09 This is one holy place I don't want to fall. 28:09 --> 28:13 I want us to continue to stand for the truth. 28:13 --> 28:19 As Brother James Marithi said this morning, if your church doesn't preach the truth, get 28:19 --> 28:23 out of it. 28:23 --> 28:26 If something ever happens to me and something ever happens to Brother Shephard, I don't 28:26 --> 28:34 care if your children go here, your mother goes here, your grandmother goes here. 28:34 --> 28:39 If the truth ever leaves this church, you need to leave too. 28:39 --> 28:43 And go wherever that truth goes. 28:43 --> 28:46 But not that Egypt will come in here and this church will fall in a holy place. 28:46 --> 28:53 I don't want to be one of them. 28:53 --> 28:54 Heavenly Father, we thank You so much for Your precious Word. 28:54 --> 28:57 God, we thank You Father for the severe warnings that we have about watching what happened 28:57 --> 29:05 to Israel. 29:05 --> 29:08 The most holy place in the world is where the greatest transgression was ever committed. 29:08 --> 29:16 And Father Lord, we do not trust in Central Baptist Church. 29:16 --> 29:22 We do not trust in the pastors here. 29:22 --> 29:27 We trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. 29:27 --> 29:31 We trust in Your holy Word. 29:31 --> 29:33 And Father, I pray that we'll be faithful to follow it to the very end. 29:33 --> 29:39 To follow Your Word all the way until the time when we step into heaven, lest we fall 29:39 --> 29:46 in the holy places. 29:46 --> 29:48 Help us to never become friends with the world, lest our church become the enemy of God. 29:48 --> 29:54 In Jesus' wonderful name, amen. 29:54 --> 29:57

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