Episode Transcript
All right.
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Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6.
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Hebrews chapter 11 verse 6.
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- Hosea.
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- Hosea.
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(audience laughing)
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Hosea chapter 11 verse 6.
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I'm sorry.
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We just got through looking at the book of Hebrews
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next door in the Sunday school class
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and showing Jesus being the sinless substitute
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who by himself purged our sins
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and sat down the right hand of the majesty on high
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and I still had Hebrews stuck in my head
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and I saw the H and went to Hebrews.
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Anyway, I started to say it again.
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Hosea chapter 11 verse 6.
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God willing we'll be expounding this wonderful verse here
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and looking at some precious truths in God's word.
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The title of the message this morning is the shield
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and the sword.
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The shield and the sword.
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In verse five last week we learned
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that every God has a king.
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If you worship a false God,
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then you must serve the king
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through whom that false God reigns.
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We've seen that in other messages as well.
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In the past.
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Likewise, if you worship the one true God,
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then you're gonna have to serve the king
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through whom that one true God reigns
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and that's the Lord Jesus Christ.
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His kingdom's forever and ever.
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Sadly, Israel began to worship false gods.
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The false gods of the surrounding heathen nations
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and so they would be ruled by the surrounding nations.
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They're ruler, they're king and Hosea 11.5.
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God said, if you'll look back there,
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that Israel shall not return into the land of Egypt
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but the Assyrian shall be his king
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because they refused to return to him, to God.
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Israel had forsaken the one true God for a foreign God
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so now they would be ruled by that foreign God's king.
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The king of Assyria and by that we learn
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that you cannot separate God and king.
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You cannot.
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If you worship one, then you must serve the other.
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Here's the kingdom truth for you this morning.
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Who we worship determines who we serve.
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In who we serve reveals who we worship.
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Who we worship determines who we serve.
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In who we serve reveals who we worship.
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Let's pray.
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Father, we thank you for your precious word.
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We pray now, Lord, that you'll fill us with your spirit,
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teach us your wonderful truth, Lord.
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May all eyes be on you.
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We rest in your word.
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We pray that you'll feed us with the bread of heaven.
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Medify us with your truth.
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Glorify your great name now, we pray in Jesus' name, amen.
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Israel was gonna find out the hard way
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that worshiping a false God and serving
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that false God's king were two different things.
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Whole lot easier to worship the false God
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and think that everything's going great
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than it is to have to bow the knee to that God's king
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and serve in the end.
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God said this, "Searings shall be their king."
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Look now in verse six, "And the sword shall abide."
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And the sword shall abide.
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There's a connection now between the king and the sword,
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you see, the Syrian shall be their king
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and the sword shall abide, underscore the word sword.
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Israel existed as a nation for one reason.
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It's because of the covenant that God made
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with Abraham, their father.
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God promised Abraham that he would make him a great nation
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and that from his descendants, God would bless the world
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and he would give his descendants the land forever.
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God kept his word to Abraham.
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God kept his word to Abraham's descendants this entire time.
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But being the ungrateful and rebellious people
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that they were, Israel had been unfaithful to God.
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Now listen to what God told Abraham in Genesis 15.1.
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Genesis 15.1 says, "After these things,
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"the word of the Lord came unto Abraham in a vision saying,
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"Fear not Abraham, I am thy shield
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"and thy exceeding great reward."
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So God was a shield unto Israel.
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But Israel's foreign king was gonna be a sword unto them.
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Now I don't know about you, but if I'm gonna have a king,
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I'd rather one be a shield to me than be a sword to me.
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But that's the difference.
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Israel's foreign king was gonna be a sword.
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Here's a kingdom and truth for you this morning.
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Every man is ruled by a shield or by a sword,
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all depending on who he worships.
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Every man is ruled by shield or by a sword,
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all depending on who he worships.
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The true God is a shield to those who worship him.
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A false God is a sword to those that worship him.
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When the foreign king ruled,
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God said the sword shall abide, where?
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On his cities.
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The sword would abide on his cities, on Israel's cities,
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where that foreign king would reign,
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the sword would abide there.
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Now where God reigns, the shield abides.
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Where a foreign king reigns or a foreign God reigns,
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then a sword abides.
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The Hebrew word for sword here literally means a drought.
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A drought.
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So through the wording here, the thought,
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the idea here is that Israel would be consumed away
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when this Assyrian king ruled over them.
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They would shrivel up and be consumed away,
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whether it was through a literal sword
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or due to the lack of provision.
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They would shrivel up.
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Now God told Abraham, I am thy shield
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and thy exceeding great reward.
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Now the word reward means salary, salary.
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I'm your paycheck.
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I'm your monthly, I'm your mailbox check.
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Whatever you wanna call it.
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I'm your monthly provision, your weekly provision,
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your daily bread.
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That's me.
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I am your shield and your reward.
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I'm your protector as well as your provider.
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That's what God is.
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When God rules, in God's dominion,
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where he rules, he gives protection, he gives provision.
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Where a false God rules, all you get is a sword.
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As a shield, God's our protector.
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As a reward, God is our provider.
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Here's a kingdom and truth for you this morning
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where God reigns, there is protection and provision.
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And that's why I want God to reign over every part
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of my life.
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I don't want anything that I withhold from God
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that is not completely under his rule.
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I want it all yielded to him.
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I want him to reign over my house, over my church,
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over my finances, over my marriage, over my soul.
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Couldn't help but think when I was studying
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for this message about Jesus, you know,
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God being a shield, about Jesus saying,
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oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem how often I would have gathered
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you under my wings like a hen gathers his chickens
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or her chickens, and there's that shield, that protection.
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Now here's a good one for you.
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Boy, you're talking about a good memory verse right here.
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Psalm 91 verse four.
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Psalm 91 verse four.
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Listen to the ones that God's talking to the people
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who trust him, listen to this now.
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Psalm 91 four.
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He shall cover thee with his feathers,
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and under his wings shalt thou trust.
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His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
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The other day, I was talking to someone
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on the way home from the airport
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who called troubled about something.
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And as I was talking to this person,
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this person made the comment
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that they could just lay down in my lap,
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and my wife's lap, and let us hold them like a child.
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Because that's how safe they felt talking to us.
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And when I read this right here, listen.
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He shall cover thee with his feathers,
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and under his wings shalt thou trust.
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His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
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His truth.
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Man, do you know what God's feathers are?
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Do you know how God covers us with his feathers?
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Do you know that shield that shields us from the storms
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and the rain like the hen's feathers?
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It's God's truth.
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And God's truth is a lap
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that we can always snuggle up into.
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And God puts his feathers over us,
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and with that truth, it becomes our shield,
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and we can just rest our head on God's lap,
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and know that his truth,
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his truth that Christ came into the world to save sinners.
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This is a faithful saying,
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and worthy of all acceptation.
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You know what that's saying when it says
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this is a faithful saying,
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and worthy of all acceptation?
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It's saying, hey, you can put yourself
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under these feathers right here.
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You can go crawl up under these feathers right here.
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His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
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When Israel followed God, he gave them a land
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that flowed with milk and honey.
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He was their shield, he was also their reward.
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Their provision, he gave them a land
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that flowed with milk and honey,
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but now a false God was about to dry it all up.
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That's what that word sword means, drought.
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A sword, not a shield, but a sword would abide
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in their cities, look back in your text, and shall consume.
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That's what a false God does.
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He consumes.
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In the 23rd Psalm, David said the Lord was his shepherd.
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A shepherd feeds the sheep.
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A wolf consumes them.
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You remember the parable of the prodigal son?
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That prodigal son, man, he thought he had it made.
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When he was with the father, he had everything he needed.
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He had a shield, and he also had a reward.
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He had protection and provision.
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He left the father, the Bible says,
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and when he left the father, the Bible says
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he wasted his substance.
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So here's how that works.
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He leaves the father, he's now separated
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from the father's rule, from the father's house.
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He's out on his own, doing his own thing.
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He's got a pocket full of money,
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and he's burning a hole through his pocket.
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And so while he's out, he's blowing and going.
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He's spending the money, he's partying,
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he's, hey, get another round that's on me.
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And everyone, he's got all these friends,
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and everyone loves him, and he's living it up,
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and he's thinking to himself,
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look at my older brother back here at the house.
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Man, still living under the father's rule,
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still doing what he's told, still the same old humdrum
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day in, day out, and here I am living it up.
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And if you would have looked at the two of you,
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man, I thought, man, I wanna be like
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that prodigal son there.
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He's really living the high life.
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But while he is living the high life,
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his substance was being consumed.
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When he was at home, his substance was never consumed.
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There was always eternal provision, spiritually speaking.
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So a sword was abiding on him.
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While he was living it up, he was wasting it away.
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A sword was abiding on him, consuming him,
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until he finally figured out that the world
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was not his friend like he thought it was.
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And he returned back home to his father,
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where he found provision and protection once again.
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God tells us the truth.
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The world will always lie to us.
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God cares about you.
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The world will consume you.
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The richest person on earth who's not serving God
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is simply wasting away without him.
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He may pile up riches on the outside,
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but he's poor and empty on the inside.
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And when his meaningless life comes to an end,
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so will the riches that he stored up for himself.
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That's how it's gonna work.
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God said the sword of Israel's foreign god and king
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would consume them.
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And I thank God that with Christ,
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we don't consume our riches, we can actually store them up.
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We can lay up treasure in heaven.
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It's wonderful.
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So God said the king would consume.
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Now what would the king consume?
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Look back in your text.
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Consume his branches.
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His branches.
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Now remember, Hosea is a prophet.
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Hosea is not just prophesying about the near time.
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Hosea is prophesying about the end time.
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His branches.
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Hosea prophesied the enemy's sword
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would consume Israel's branches, and in this prophecy,
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the nation of Israel is likened to a tree.
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Could be a vine, but it's probably a tree.
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Because a kingdom, like with Nebuchadnezzar,
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once there was a prophecy where his was a tree
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and the birds lodged in the branches
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and the people dwelt underneath the shadow of that tree.
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And here also is a kingdom.
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And the kingdom's branches are going to be consumed.
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So Israel is likened to a tree here.
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Both, whether a vine or a tree,
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they have branches going in all different directions.
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But think of a tree here.
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It's going all different directions.
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Branches spreading out in different directions.
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It's a picture of Israel spreading out
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in all different directions as God blesses them.
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All the different avenues and areas of prosperity.
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They branch out in two and stretch out their dominion
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and bear fruit, cast a shadow upon the people
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that come beneath its branches
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so they can take refuge in it.
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The nation of Israel was a mighty tree.
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The citizens had rest beneath its prosperous branches.
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God grew that tree to be what it was.
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God made those branches spread out.
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But now a foreign king belonging to a foreign god
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would consume those branches.
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Their prosperity, which branched out in many directions,
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would be consumed.
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And it doesn't take long for that to happen to a nation.
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But I want you to notice the precision of Hosea's prophecy.
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He didn't say they would be consumed.
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He said their branches would be consumed.
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Only the branches are being consumed
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when it comes to this tree.
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Just the branches.
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The root of the tree will not be consumed.
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And that's what's important.
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Tammy and I, a few years back,
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we went out and bought a big pecan tree.
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I had a pickup, I stuck it in the back of my truck.
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I wrapped up the branches and everything on the way back.
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They already had pecans on it, it was big.
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I really needed a trailer for it.
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I didn't have one at the time.
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My dad wouldn't loan me one.
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No, I'm kidding.
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But I stuck it in the back of my truck.
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I wrapped up the branches.
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The tree was, did you like that, trying to drag the ground?
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But I got it home safe and sound, unwrapped it,
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dug a big hole, stuck it in my front yard.
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Then we had snow vid.
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And we had a drought.
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Psh, consumed my tree.
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But didn't get my root.
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I'm on the second year now.
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You know what happened to that tree?
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I didn't have had to cut the tree down.
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And now there's a rod coming up out of that root.
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Second year that rod's coming up
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and branches are coming back out again.
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It's got a ways to go.
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By the time it bears pecans,
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I may be too old to bend over and pick them up.
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I'd get Jonathan, if his thumb's healed up,
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get him, come pick him up for me.
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But it looked like that tree
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might have been completely dead,
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but its root was still alive and its stem shut up.
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And now it's growing and branching back out again.
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And in the same way,
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though the enemy would consume Israel's branches,
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the enemy would not consume Israel's root
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because Christ is their root.
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So Hosea said Assyria would be Israel's king
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and devour their branches, but ultimately,
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Israel would spring back up from the root of King David
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and Jesus would rule as king forever and ever.
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Revelation chapter five, verse five.
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Revelation chapter five, verse five.
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And one of the elders saith unto me,
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Weep not, behold, the line of the tribe of Judah,
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the root of David hath prevailed to open the book
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and to loose the seven seals thereof.
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Jesus is the root of Israel,
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but he's specifically the root of David.
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So here's the beauty of it.
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On the top side, Israel was rebellious.
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And so a foreign king consumed their branches.
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Looked like my dead pecan tree
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when they got through with them.
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But beneath it all was the covenant
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that God made with Abraham.
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Beneath it all was the covenant that God made with David,
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that from his loins, there would be a king
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who would reign forever and ever.
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And so even though a foreign king came
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and took care of the outside, the top side
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above the soil of Israel,
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beneath that was a root of King David.
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And that root eventually is gonna shoot back up
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and make that kingdom prosper again.
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And so in Revelation, the root of David prevails.
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That means he conquers the enemy kings,
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which all came from the God that Israel served,
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which all the devil was behind.
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And so Jesus comes through the gospel,
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through his second coming, he conquers the devil,
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he crushes the devil's head, as was prophesied
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in the book of Genesis 3.15, he crushes Satan's head,
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and by doing so, he prevails over that false God,
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over that false God's king, and now God through his king,
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shoots Israel back up again.
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On the other hand, it won't be that way
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for those who don't trust in Christ.
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Because of the covenant God made with Abraham,
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the enemy consumed Israel's branches,
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but the kingdom would rise from its root.
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Here's the kingdom of truth for you this morning.
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Because of the gospel covenant,
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the enemy may get your branches,
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but he will never get your root.
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Man, you can take that to the bank with you.
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Because of the gospel covenant,
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the enemy got Israel's branches,
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but they couldn't get Israel's root.
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Because of the gospel covenant,
21:59 --> 22:00
the enemy may get your branches,
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but he'll never get your root.
22:03 --> 22:05
Once you put your faith in Jesus Christ,
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listen to that enemy,
22:07 --> 22:08
he may desire to sift you like wheat.
22:08 --> 22:10
He may take you out and do you like he did Peter.
22:10 --> 22:14
He may take you out and cause you to do,
22:14 --> 22:21
was it Mark that left Paul?
22:21 --> 22:23
Yeah, do like Mark and leave the ministry for a while,
22:23 --> 22:27
then come back.
22:27 --> 22:28
He may throw you in the wrong direction.
22:28 --> 22:32
He may cause you to do like David and commit a sin.
22:32 --> 22:36
Do you think, man, everything's over?
22:36 --> 22:38
I don't know how many times
22:38 --> 22:42
I've heard people say, my life is ruined.
22:42 --> 22:46
My ministry's ruined.
22:46 --> 22:50
My life is done.
22:50 --> 22:53
But you know what happens?
22:53 --> 22:55
There's that root inside there.
22:55 --> 22:58
There's that seed inside the believer in Christ.
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And it ends up sprouting right back up again.
23:04 --> 23:09
The enemy will clip your branches.
23:09 --> 23:14
You'll make mistakes.
23:14 --> 23:16
You'll suffer.
23:16 --> 23:18
But for the believer in Christ,
23:18 --> 23:19
the enemy gets your branches,
23:19 --> 23:21
but he can't get your root.
23:21 --> 23:22
You're always alive
23:22 --> 23:25
because you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.
23:25 --> 23:30
In the end, you'll flourish again because of him.
23:30 --> 23:32
But if you don't trust in Christ as your savior,
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if you're the person that says,
23:35 --> 23:37
no, I'm gonna worship this false God,
23:37 --> 23:39
I'm not gonna have this man Jesus rule over me.
23:39 --> 23:42
I'm not going that Christian direction.
23:42 --> 23:44
I'm going the direction of the world here.
23:44 --> 23:46
The light of the tribe of Judah,
23:46 --> 23:49
it ends up killing your root.
23:49 --> 23:51
Malachi chapter four, verse one and two.
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Malachi chapter four, verse one and two.
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God told Israel and thus God told the church.
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Listen to what he said.
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Malachi four, one and two.
24:05 --> 24:06
For behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven.
24:06 --> 24:11
Now this is talking about the second coming of Christ.
24:11 --> 24:15
And all the proud, yay,
24:15 --> 24:17
and all that do wickedly shall be stubble.
24:17 --> 24:20
That's what you'd use to start a fire, by the way.
24:20 --> 24:24
And the day that cometh shall burn them up,
24:24 --> 24:27
saith the Lord of hosts,
24:27 --> 24:29
it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
24:29 --> 24:32
Ah, you see the difference here?
24:32 --> 24:35
Now we can understand what God's talking about
24:35 --> 24:38
when he says that the enemy would destroy their branches,
24:38 --> 24:42
but not their root.
24:42 --> 24:46
But for those who do not trust in Christ,
24:46 --> 24:48
those who do not bow the knee to the Lord,
24:48 --> 24:51
the one true Lord in God,
24:51 --> 24:53
when Jesus comes back,
24:53 --> 24:55
they won't have either root or branch.
24:55 --> 24:58
So when Jesus destroys the enemy kingdom,
24:58 --> 25:03
it will never come back.
25:03 --> 25:06
25:06 --> 25:06
When Jesus crushes the head of the serpent
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and destroys his kingdom,
25:13 --> 25:16
he's gonna get, not just the top side,
25:16 --> 25:18
he's gonna get the part underground too.
25:18 --> 25:20
He's gonna get it root and all.
25:20 --> 25:23
It will never come back.
25:23 --> 25:25
We'll be able to dwell in a kingdom in which sin
25:25 --> 25:28
will enter no more.
25:28 --> 25:30
But then he says in verse two, Malachi four two,
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but unto you that fear my name.
25:37 --> 25:39
Oh man, praise God, I will get your root.
25:39 --> 25:43
I'm gonna get your branches, you unbelievers.
25:43 --> 25:47
But unto them that fear my name shall the Son of Righteousness
25:47 --> 25:52
arise with healing in his wings.
25:52 --> 25:54
Oh wow, and ye shall go forth and grow up
25:55 --> 26:00
as calves of the stall.
26:00 --> 26:02
Son of Righteousness is gonna come.
26:02 --> 26:05
He's gonna have healing in his wings.
26:05 --> 26:09
The wings that cover you,
26:09 --> 26:13
the truth that saves you,
26:13 --> 26:16
the feathers that cover you,
26:16 --> 26:19
that shield, that buckler, that truth,
26:19 --> 26:22
that you put your trust in the gospel.
26:22 --> 26:24
It's gonna have healing in it.
26:24 --> 26:26
And that gospel's gonna spread over all the believers
26:26 --> 26:30
of the world.
26:30 --> 26:31
He's gonna make the earth new again.
26:31 --> 26:33
He's gonna make us new again.
26:33 --> 26:35
And he's gonna heal us of all the infirmities
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that were passed down to us from Adam.
26:40 --> 26:43
And we'll go forth as calves of the stall.
26:43 --> 26:48
What does that mean?
26:48 --> 26:51
Man, I'll tell you.
26:52 --> 26:54
My dad was never a rancher.
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He was a businessman.
26:58 --> 26:59
But for a while we did have some calves.
26:59 --> 27:01
And they were kept in a stall
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and we bottle fed them and all that stuff.
27:04 --> 27:08
And I'll never forget the first time I saw it.
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Most of y'all have probably seen it too.
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When you have a calf grow up in a stall,
27:13 --> 27:16
and then one day calf gets a little bit bigger
27:16 --> 27:19
and you open that gate.
27:20 --> 27:22
You're seeing a calf go out,
27:22 --> 27:24
what do they do, Brother Doug?
27:24 --> 27:25
They do, they go woo woo, they do.
27:25 --> 27:28
They start kicking and bucking and man,
27:28 --> 27:30
you think, oh yeah, boy, this is good.
27:30 --> 27:33
I'm free.
27:33 --> 27:34
The whole world belongs to me.
27:34 --> 27:37
That's the way they look.
27:37 --> 27:38
Haven't y'all seen that before?
27:38 --> 27:40
Man, that's good stuff.
27:40 --> 27:41
Y'all haven't seen it.
27:41 --> 27:42
When Jesus comes back with those feathers of truth,
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that's our shield, 'cause the cross is the truth.
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And I rest beneath the feathers of the cross.
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That's my shield, that's my buckler.
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When Jesus, who has those wounds in his hands,
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when he comes back with those calvary feathers,
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the death, the burial and resurrection of Christ
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is gonna heal us.
28:06 --> 28:07
And we're gonna go out into this world
28:07 --> 28:10
like calves coming out of the stall.
28:10 --> 28:12
Woo woo.
28:12 --> 28:14
We made it.
28:14 --> 28:18
We made it.
28:18 --> 28:20
Thank you, Jesus, by your grace, we made it.
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Right now, Israel depends on the United States
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and others to keep them going.
28:26 --> 28:29
The man, when they turn to the Lord Jesus Christ,
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their root of David, their nation will gloriously rise
28:33 --> 28:37
like never before.
28:37 --> 28:40
All they need to do is just bow the knee to Christ
28:40 --> 28:44
and the root will shoot up in that nation again.
28:44 --> 28:49
It's all that the kingdom's waiting on.
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But in the meantime, the enemy would consume their branches,
28:53 --> 28:56
look back in your text and devour them
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because of their own councils,
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because of Israel's own councils.
29:04 --> 29:08
Now we have all the council we need.
29:08 --> 29:12
The feathers that cover us is the council that guides us.
29:12 --> 29:15
It's our shield, our buckler.
29:15 --> 29:18
The truth is God's council to us in Christ.
29:18 --> 29:22
But they rejected God's truth
29:22 --> 29:25
and they went about to make up their own truth.
29:25 --> 29:28
I remember the first time I heard the phrase
29:28 --> 29:33
truth is relevant.
29:33 --> 29:35
I thought, what could they be thinking?
29:35 --> 29:37
Truth is truth, it's either true or it's not true.
29:37 --> 29:40
But because of their own councils,
29:40 --> 29:42
their branches would be consumed.
29:42 --> 29:44
They need to turn back to the council of the Lord.
29:44 --> 29:46
They need to take your pen, underscore the word councils.
29:47 --> 29:51
Our council consumes branches.
29:51 --> 29:57
God's council bears branches.
29:57 --> 30:01
When Israel returns to God's council,
30:01 --> 30:07
they will spring from their root, the Lord Jesus Christ,
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who will rule us their king forever
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because Jesus is the council of God.
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Jesus is the council of God to the world.
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The only way to return to God's council
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is to come to God's councilor,
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who happens to be the king through whom God rules,
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who happens to be the God who became the king.
30:29 --> 30:33
The counselor is the king and God himself.
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Isaiah chapter nine, verse six and seven.
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Isaiah chapter nine, verse six and seven.
30:40 --> 30:42
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.
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If the government shall be upon his shoulder,
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it his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor.
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The mighty God, the everlasting Father,
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the Prince of Peace, of the increase
31:04 --> 31:06
of his government peace, there shall be no end.
31:06 --> 31:09
Upon the throne of David, 'cause he's the root of David,
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and upon his kingdom to order it and to establish it
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with judgment and with justice from henceforth,
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even forever, the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform
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this, Jesus is not on the root of David
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that will shoot back up the branches,
31:23 --> 31:25
he is the counsel of God, the counselor of God,
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and all they have to do to activate the root
31:29 --> 31:32
is to turn and accept his counsel.
31:32 --> 31:36
For now, Israel's branches have been devoured.
31:39 --> 31:43
Israel's but a dried stump.
31:43 --> 31:45
Only the root remains.
31:45 --> 31:48
Today they know the sword.
31:48 --> 31:52
When they return to their God,
31:52 --> 31:55
they will once again know the shield and the reward.
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Father, we thank you so much for your precious word.
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We thank you, Father, for these prophecies.
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Lord, they comfort us, they assure us, they enlighten us.
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Thank you, Lord, that we're not stumbling in darkness
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unaware of what will happen in the end
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and why things are the way they are today.
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Thank you for giving us your word and being so precise.
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We thank you when we ask these things in Jesus' precious name.
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We pray for the Vacation Bible School coming up.
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We pray for the nation of Israel
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as so many churches are today.
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Lord, that you'll heal them.
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We pray they'll turn to you.
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We can pray for their victory and all those things
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over the Palestinians and all, and we do pray for that,
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but we know there will be no victory
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until they receive it from the line of the tribe of Judah,
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the root of David.
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In his name we pray, amen.
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