Episode Transcript
Hosea chapter 10.
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Before I start the message, I want to say it's an honor to have Brother John and Janice Cross in our service this morning.
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His friend,
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Trevor Mecklewain is the one that wrote the Creation to Christ book.
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If you've been through the Creation to Christ, I know
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many of you all are very familiar with it, and then
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Brother Cross
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is the one that wrote Stranger on the Road to the Mayas, which many of y'all are familiar with, and also
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he was in the ETAL film. How many of y'all seen the ETAL film? Quite a few.
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Now, so there won't be any confusion. He was the white man in the ETAL film, okay?
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I didn't want y'all to get him mixed up. They're always getting mixed up with those natives jumping around, but he was the narrator.
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In the film. So it's such a blessing to have them here with us.
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Hosea chapter 10, God willing, will be expounding verses 6 and 7
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in our text this morning. The title of the message this morning is "The King and His Calf."
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The King and
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His Calf.
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Now last week in verse 5, we learned about the idolatrous calf of Beth-Haven.
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It was the work of Israel's hands, an idol that they had crafted to their own liking.
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We learned that every other man-made religion in this world is no different than the calf Israel made.
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When Joseph Smith created Mormonism,
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he was crafting his own calf.
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When Muhammad founded the tenants of Islam, he was crafting his own calf.
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The doctrines of Buddhism, Hinduism, tribal religions, humanism, perversions of Christianity,
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or any other man-made teaching,
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is merely man fashioning a calf to his own liking. That's all it is.
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Here's a kingdom truth for you this morning.
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God's revelation is the good news about the Christ he gave.
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Man's religion is a lie about the calf he made.
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God's revelation is the good news about the Christ he gave.
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Man's religion is a lie about the calf he made.
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Every person in this world is either worshipping a calf made by a man or the Christ given by God.
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It's quite simple. In Hosea's time, Israel had chosen to reject God's revelation
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of Christ, and instead they were worshipping the golden calf they made.
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The glory of which they were quite proud of.
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But in verse 5 last week, God said the glory of that calf would be stripped.
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And literally in the Hebrew, it means the calf would be denuded, his clothes would be ripped off,
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and nothing but shame would be left for that calf.
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When Christ was crucified, the world denuded him, didn't they?
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And they gave him shame.
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But when he comes again, he's going to have clothes on, Brother Doug, and on his vesture,
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and on his thigh, a name written, "King of kings and Lord of lords," and he would be given glory in the end.
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It's just the opposite with the calf.
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When Israel made their calf, instead of stripping it like they did Jesus,
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they adorned that calf with glory.
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But on the day of God's judgment, the calf was carried away in shame.
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Look with me now in Hosea chapter 10, verse 6.
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God says, "It," that is the calf, "shall be carried also," I'm sorry, "shall be also carried unto Assyria."
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It shall be also carried unto Assyria.
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God was going to use the nation of Assyria to judge the rebellious nation of Israel.
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And when the nation of Israel fell, the precious calf they made,
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the false god that they had put their hope in, would be carried unto Assyria as a conquered god
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in a spoil of war.
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But it's not only important for us to know where the calf would be carried to,
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but it's very important for us to know to whom the calf would be carried to.
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Hosea said the calf would be carried unto Assyria.
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Look back in your text for a present to King Jerab, a present to King Jerab.
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Now there's something you need to understand that's going on in this text this morning.
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What we have here is one earthly king, the king of Assyria, capturing the god of an opposing king,
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the king of Israel.
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One earthly king, the king of Assyria, capturing the god of an opposing king, the king of Israel.
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In verse 6, take your pens and underscore the word "king."
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And now in verse 7, underscore the word "calf."
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So there's two main characters in our text this morning.
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A king and a calf.
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And these characters are not incidental to the story, they are fundamental to the story.
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You see, the calf and the king are vessels of power.
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The calf is a spiritual heavenly power and the king is a political earthly power.
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Israel had an earthly king to fight their battles.
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Remember that's how they wanted a king to begin with.
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"Get us a king that will go out before us, it will fight our battles."
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So Israel had an earthly king to fight their battles,
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but they looked to their calf to empower their king to protect them.
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See how that works?
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Every secular nation in this world operates on the tandem power of a calf and a king.
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When I say tandem, that means they go together like tandem axles,
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you know about that, Brother Shepherd, being commercial vehicles.
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So every secular nation in this world, they operate in the tandem power of a calf and a king.
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The calf is their instrument of heavenly power
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and the king is the calf's instrument of human power.
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The king is the calf's instrument of human power.
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If a national leader looks to the gods of Hinduism,
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then Hinduism is the calf and the national leader is the king.
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If a tribal leader in Africa is guided by his local tribal religion,
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then the tribal religion is the calf and the tribal leader is the king.
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Every secular nation operates under this system.
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Here's why.
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When God created the world, he created to be ruled by man.
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This is interwoven into our creation just as the laws of physics.
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It can't be violated.
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He created the earth to be ruled by man under the power of God.
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That's why he said, "Let us make man in our image after our likeness."
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And God said, "Let them have dominion."
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Man was designed to rule on earth under the power of God in heaven.
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And as you cannot circumvent God's laws of physics, so you cannot circumvent
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God's laws of kingdom authority.
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You just can't.
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You can convert his laws, but you cannot avoid them.
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Man was designed to rule on earth under the kingdom authority of the one true God in heaven.
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So when an earthly leader, since you can't avoid these laws of kingdom authority,
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but you can pervert them, when an earthly ruler rejects God,
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he forfeits the power of the creator who made him in foolishly rules and the power of a calf he made
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See what's happening?
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And the devil knows this.
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The devil understands God's laws of kingdom authority.
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He understands how the earth was founded.
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He knows this.
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So when men reject the authority of the one true God, Satan capitalizes on their rejection.
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He capitalizes on the law of kingdom authority.
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And when they reject the one true God, Satan moves in and he sits on the spiritual throne
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of every calf man makes.
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Here's the kingdom truth for you this morning.
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Satan is the God behind every man made religion.
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Satan is the God behind every man made religion.
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Write down in your notes and your margin.
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Matthew chapter four, Matthew chapter four, verses eight and nine.
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Again, the devil taketh him.
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This is the devil tempting Jesus.
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Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and showeth him all the kingdoms
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of the world.
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Now that's important.
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Satan is pointing out to Jesus all the earthly kingdoms of the world.
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Now remember, the king is the earthly ruler ruling under the power of his calf.
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Now, if it's a godly nation, it's an earthly ruler ruling under the power of Jehovah God.
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But concerning secular nations, nations that did not embrace the one true God,
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all these kingdoms are kingdoms operating under the power of their calf.
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And Satan is behind every single false god in this world.
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If you could take the mask off of it, it would be the devil.
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So the devil takes Jesus up to this exceeding high mountain.
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He shows them all the kingdom of the world and the glory of them.
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And saith unto him, all these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
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Do you see what Satan was doing?
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He was perverting God's laws of kingdom authority.
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Satan was offering Jesus, being a man.
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That's very important.
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He was offering Jesus, being a man, the position of earthly king.
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While Satan would occupy the position of the heavenly calf,
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the false god, he was tempting Jesus to worship.
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You see?
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I don't care what earthly ruler it is.
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Every unbelieving king works in tandem with a calf.
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A demonic influence that drives them with a set of laws that guides them.
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Set of perverted doctrines.
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That guides them.
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When I, Brother Richard, wait a minute.
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We've got a lot of earthly rulers that are just non-religious.
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I mean, they just deny any religion whatsoever.
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They may not be Hindu.
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They may not be Buddhists.
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They may not be Muslims.
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They may not be any kind of perverted Christian religion.
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We have people that deny any god, any deity whatsoever,
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and they just operate on their own to those earthly non-religious leaders.
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Still have a calf.
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You better believe they do.
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More so than any other.
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The very first false religion on earth began in the Garden of Eden.
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Very first one.
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And what was that original false religion?
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It wasn't some organized religion.
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It wasn't witchcraft or sorcery or Hinduism or Mormonism or Catholicism.
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The original false religion was the absence of organized religion.
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The original false religion was the absence of organized religion.
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The original false religion was humanism.
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You remember how the serpent tempted them?
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He said, "Ye shall be as gods."
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We will set you up, mankind up, in the position of God.
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And though Satan did not tell Adam this, Satan, you, you will be the earthly king.
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I will be the calf you serve.
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That's basically what's happening.
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"Ye shall be as gods."
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When an earthly leader denies every source of divine power,
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he is not rejecting religion.
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He is being a faithful follower of the first false religion established on earth
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whose founder is not Joseph Smith, is not Muhammad, but whose founder is the devil.
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The king and his calf.
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Once again, by God's kingdom design, there must be a heavenly king
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ruling through the power of an earthly man.
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By God's kingdom design, there must be a heavenly king
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ruling in the power of an earthly man here on earth.
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That's why Jesus Christ became man.
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Because God is not going to say, "Well, you know what? I had a great idea.
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We're going to make man in my image after my likeness, or our image after our likeness,
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with the Trinity.
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And we're going to let them have dominion,
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and man is going to rule on earth and the power of God in heaven."
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And then man suddenly falls in the Garden of Eden.
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He fails in his purpose that God created him for.
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And God's just not going to go, "Oh, well, that didn't work.
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I just throw that back to the drawing board."
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God doesn't do that.
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When God originates a plan, God finishes that plan.
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Man may try to thwart it.
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The enemies may try to thwart it.
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But God's going to accomplish it.
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And he's going to accomplish it, not through Adam, but through Christ.
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Christ is not just going to come and die for the sins of the world.
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He's going to come and accomplish God's design of kingdom authority,
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the law he established when he created the heaven and the earth.
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Jesus became a man so he could become our earthly king
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and fulfill God's law of kingdom authority.
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Jesus is both our God and our king.
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Isn't that great?
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He is both the son of God and the son of David.
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Satan is bound to the same laws of kingdom authority.
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God created the law of Satan and cannot circumvent it.
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He can pervert it, but he cannot circumvent it.
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God created the law and Satan is bound to the same law of kingdom authority.
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So being the false God of this world, Satan still has to rule through the power of men.
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That's why the devil just don't jump down and say, "I'm the devil. Worship me."
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Not going to work that way.
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The devil cannot come down and be the king of this world because it would completely avoid
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and circumvent the laws of kingdom authority that God's established.
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So as God, bound to his word, his perfect will that he spoke,
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is going to have a man rule on earth under the power of God in heaven,
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so Satan must also, if he rules the world, must do so through the power of man,
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a human agent because God said, "Let them that is man have dominion and the scripture cannot be broken."
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In the Garden of Eden, God told Satan in Genesis 3.15,
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God said, "I will put in mighty between thee and the woman,
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listen carefully now, in between thy seed."
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That's the earthly agent.
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In her seed, that's the earthly agent.
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That is the Christ and the antichrist, ultimately fulfilled.
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There's a lot in that prophecy, but ultimately it's going to boil down to that.
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"It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel."
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At the end of time, there's going to be an ultimate showdown of power here on earth.
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That's what the book of Revelation is about.
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It's what many of the prophecies are about in the Old Testament.
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Satan is going to put his best man on the throne.
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Remember, the false God, he's got a rule in the agency of a man.
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Satan is going to put his best man on the throne, and God's going to put his best man on the throne.
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Satan, the God of this world, will anoint the man of sin as king.
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And Jehovah, the one true God of heaven and earth, will anoint the Son of Man as king.
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And the two kings are going to battle it out to the finish.
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I am looking forward to that day.
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Revelation 11, verse 15, ends up telling us how the battle is accomplished, how it turns out.
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He says in Revelation 11, 15, "And the seventh angel sounded, and there were great voices in
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heaven, saying, 'The kingdoms of this world.'" Now, hang on a minute.
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What did the devil offer Jesus on that high mountain? The kingdoms of this world.
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Jesus would be ruling over all of them, under the power of the calf above them,
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which Jesus, of course, was not going to do. Jesus yields to the one true God, Jehovah God.
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And now in the end, we see what happens. The kingdoms of this world
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are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ. And He shall reign forever and ever.
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God's rule of kingdom authority, man ruling on earth under the power of God in heaven forever.
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The Creator and His Christ will conquer the calf in His king.
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Now, you can't conquer a king without conquering his God, right?
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You cannot conquer a king without conquering his God.
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Remember, this king here, he comes into Israel, he conquers the king of Israel,
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and so doing, he's conquered his calf. So it becomes his possession. You can't conquer a king
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without conquering his God. Fortunately for us, our king is our God. Jesus is both Lord and Christ.
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When Israel's king was conquered, Israel's calf was conquered,
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thus Israel's country was conquered. Their people were conquered. So when their calf was carried
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away, Hosea said, look back in your text now, Hosea said, "Ephraim shall receive shame."
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Now, remember Ephraim is an epithet. That means a descriptive name for the northern kingdom of
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Israel. When their precious calf was conquered by the enemy king, the people of Israel would receive
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shame. When Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of this world, he offered Jesus not only the kingdoms,
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but also the glory of those kingdoms. Matthew 4, 8, and 9. It says, "And again the devil taketh
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him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world,
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say it with me, and the glory of them." But when the calf that Israel trusted in was stripped or
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denuded of its glory, the people who served that calf, they were stripped or denuded of their glory,
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and they received the shame of their fallen God in the end. Praise God when Jesus comes,
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he's going to be glorified. We're going to receive his glory in the end. We don't have a calf, we have
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a Christ rejecting the counsel of God. Israel went by their own counsel instead. They had rejected
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the counsel of God's law. They rejected the counsel of God's prophets. Look back in your text, and
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now the Bible, Hosea said, "Israel shall be ashamed of his own counsel." Man, I'm glad I don't go by
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my counsel. My counsel wound me up in hell. I go by the counsel of Almighty God revealed in his
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word. Had they only hearkened to the counsel of their creator, had they only subjected themselves
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to his authority, they would have been trusting in the Christ God promised instead of the calf they
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made. Israel rejected their promised Savior. Israel rejected the law that pointed them to their
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promised Savior. Instead of believing on the Christ, they believed on the calf, and now they would be
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ashamed. But the Bible says, "Whoever believes in the Lord Jesus Christ shall not be ashamed."
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You see how that works? It's beautiful when you understand the Scripture from the totality of the
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Bible. People read there in the book of Romans, and they say, "Well, whoever believes on him shall
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not be ashamed," and they think, "Well, that means if you had an opportunity to witness to someone,
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you were intimidated, and you were a little embarrassed. You didn't go up there and start
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being bold in Walmart and witnessing to the cashier while everyone's waiting in line.
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That means you were ashamed of Jesus. That means you don't believe on him. That's not what the
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Scripture's saying. Whoever believes in him shall not be ashamed in contrast to those who trust the
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calf versus those who believe on the Christ. Their glory was denuded.
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Today the world gives us shame. Our glory will be invested upon us.
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Isaiah chapter 45, verse 16 and 17. Listen to this. How beautiful this is. It accompanies
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Romans chapter 10 so well. Isaiah 45, 16, 17, "They shall be ashamed and also confounded all of them.
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They shall go to confusion together that are makers of idols. But Israel," that is the true
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Israel of God, which is the church of Jesus Christ, "shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting
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salvation. Ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded." World without end.
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Oh, they have glory for a time. In the days of that calf, they had their day in the sun. They
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had their time of glory. But the time was ticking on the glory of that calf. The time is ticking on
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the glory of all the false gods in the world right now. The time is ticking on the glory of humanism
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and man setting himself up in place of God. The time is ticking on their glory and one day when
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Jesus comes, they're going to be stripped of their glory and they're going to be given shame.
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And the shame the world has been given to us is going to be stripped from us and we're going
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to receive and be glorified in Jesus Christ. And the time will not tick out. It will be world
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without end for he shall reign forever and forever. Remember, you can't conquer a king without
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conquering his God. So when the calf was conquered, consequently the king was cut off.
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Hosea said, look now in Hosea in verse seven now back in your text, Hosea 10.7. Hosea said,
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"As for Samaria, her king is cut off." Samaria is another name for the northern kingdom of Israel.
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Samaria has a king and that king is now cut off because the calf is conquered.
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In our text this morning, the calf is carried away and the king is cut off.
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When the calf is defeated, its king is defeated, its kingdom is defeated. When our creator on the
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other hand is victorious, his king is victorious, his king and the servants of God, the saints of
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God are victorious. Jesus' victory for us was legally won through his death and resurrection.
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To the power of the gospel, Jesus cut off the rebellious king of this world.
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Speaking of his death, his pending death on the cross, Jesus said in the gospel of John chapter
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12 verse 31, he said, "Now is the judgment of this world." The cross was not simply Jesus dying as a
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substitute for our sins. The cross was a time when Jesus, God was going to be executing judgment
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against this world. Now in the book of Exodus, Pass overnight, that was God's judgment upon Egypt,
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which was a picture of God's judgment upon this world. In the book of Exodus, speaking of the
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Pass overnight, God says, "I'm going to pass the land this night and will execute judgment upon
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all the gods of Egypt." That's the gods. Now in the New Testament, the Passover is being fulfilled.
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Instead of mentioning executing judgment on the gods, he's mentioning executing judgment on the
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king. Both the king and the calf are cut off. They're both conquered through the death,
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burial, and resurrection of Christ. So that man, the son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ,
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can come back and rule on earth and the power of God in heaven and God's original intent for
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mankind and the earth can be reinstituted through the power of the gospel.
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John 12, 31, Jesus said, "Now is the judgment of this world. Now shall the prince of this world
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be cast out." Jesus' victory for us was legally won through his death and resurrection,
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and it will be powerfully given to us and instituted for us at his second coming.
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When Jesus comes, that will be the day of judgment. The Bible calls it the day of the Lord.
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When Jesus comes, the calf, his king, and his fallen kingdom will be cut off and carried away
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to the lake of fire. Those who rejected the kingdom of Christ will be cut off. Look back
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in your text as the foam upon the water. You may have another translation. It may say something
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like a splinter on the water or a piece of wood on the water or something like that or mist on
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the water. I've studied this out and this is a really good translation. It's the foam upon the
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water. You're seeing the filthy foam. You've seen it, haven't you? You've got a hurricane coming
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through. A man that hurricane comes through, that storm comes through, and it lands that filthy foam
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upon the shore of that sea. The storm comes and the sea casts out its filthy foam. And when Jesus
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comes, this world's going to cast out his filthy foam. They're going to be gone. Israel's king was
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cut off as the foam upon the water. One day Jesus is going to bring a great storm of judgment upon
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this world and those who rebelled against his kingdom will be cut off from his holy kingdom
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forever as the foam upon the water. The book of Jude chapter one verse 13 describes false teachers
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that those who teach the religion of the calf quote as raging waves of the sea foaming out their
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own shame. Wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever. Folks aren't
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you glad you have a Bible? Aren't you glad that we have the King of Kings in Lord of Lords? Let's
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pray. Father, we thank you so much for your precious word. God, we thank you, Father, for the truth
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that it gives us, the edifying truth, the unshakable hope
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that our King cannot be defeated because his God cannot be defeated.
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He's King of Kings and he's also Lord of Lords. We thank you so much for this. Glorify your great
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name. May all eyes be upon you as the Scriptures we just learned reside in our heart. Amen.
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